The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) and FAA Partnership

NASAO represents the state government aviation agencies who serve the public interest in all 50 states, Guam and Puerto Rico. It encourages cooperation and mutual aid across local, state, and federal governments in development of air transportation systems.

NASAO Member Agencies

  • Coordinate state laws, regulations and programs with those of the federal government, developing uniformity among the states.
  • Organize, promote and fund aviation programs across the nation.
  • Develop statewide aviation system and capital improvement plans.
  • Invest in planning, operations, infrastructure development, maintenance and navigational aids at 5,000 airports across the country.
  • Sponsor airport symposiums, pilot safety seminars and aviation education forums.


Share the goals of encouraging and advancing aviation through cooperation and coordination across governments while remaining responsive to customer needs, economic conditions and environmental concerns. The long-term partnership formed in 1996 continues to help foster the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.

  • NASAO and FAA hold annual intergovernmental sessions to coordinate aviation resources and address mutual concerns.
  • Separate Memorandums of Understanding between NASAO and the FAA are established as needed to address specific issues; such as, Aviation and Space Education Outreach (2009), Instrument Approach Procedures (2008), and the Future of Navigational Aids (2008).

FAA Executive Representative: Joe Miniace, Regional Administrator, Central Region, (816) 329-3050.

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