NAARMO RVSM Approvals and Monitoring Status Results

RVSM Status Reports 

The NAARMO maintains a database of the RVSM airworthiness, operational approval, and height monitoring status for commercial and general aviation operators in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

RVSM Approval and Monitoring Reports:

Country of Registration Last Updated   RVSM Approval List Documents 

United States  United States flag 

31 OCTOBER 2024

US Commercial Operators with RVSM Approval under Part 121

US IGA Operators with RVSM Approval under Part 135 or Part 91-Appendix G, Section 3  

US IGA Operators with Domestic RVSM Authorization under Part 91-Appendix G, Section 9 (ADS-B) 


Canada Canadian flag 

31 OCTOBER 2024 

Operators with RVSM Approval reported by Canada

Mexico Mexican flag

31 OCTOBER 2024 

Operators with RVSM Approval reported by Mexico

Report Notes: Approval Status: TRUE means that NAARMO has complete records that you have met the conditions of approval. FALSE indicates a problem with your approval documentation, or an outdated height monitoring. The Altimetry System Error (ASE) compliance of an airframe is determined by using multiple ASE samples and evaluation of composite performance.

More information on RVSM Monitoring Methods

Due to increasing privacy concerns, the field "Operator Name" may not be provided on the public NAARMO RVSM Approvals and Monitoring Status website. FAA Privacy and Website policy

  Contact the NAARMO Coordinator to report errors and omissions.



RVSM Approvals and Monitoring

RVSM airspace is any airspace or route between flight level (FL) 290 and FL 410 inclusive where aircraft are separated vertically by 1,000 feet. Updated information material for operators, pilots, certificate holders, and/or program managers conducting RVSM operations under the provisions of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91, can be found in Advisory Circular 91-85B: Authorization of Aircraft and Operators for Flight in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace.



Pacific RVSM Approvals

Last updated: Thursday, October 31, 2024