Human Factors in Aviation Safety (AVS)

Human factors specialists in the FAA's Aviation Safety (AVS) organization promote safety in the National Airspace by working to reduce the occurrence and impact of human error in aviation systems and improve human performance. These specialists have expertise in the design and/or evaluation of aircraft systems, maintenance, operations, procedures, pilot performance, associated FAA policy, and guidance. They develop regulations, guidance, and procedures that support the certification, production approval, and continued airworthiness of aircraft; and certification of pilots, mechanics, and others in safety-related positions.

Two relevant and human factors reports are listed below.

The first is a report from the PARC/CAST Flight Deck Automation Working Group: Operational Use of Flight Path Management System (PDF). Final Report of the Performance-based Aviation Rulemaking Committee/Commercial Aviation Safety Team Flight Deck Automation Working Group. The group reviewed worldwide data from accidents, incidents, normal operations, structured interviews with manufacturers, operators, and training organizations, and reports from related activities. These data were analyzed and the results were used to identify changes since 1996, and to develop findings and recommendations.

The second is a report that describes regulatory requirements and guidance for the design and evaluation of flight deck displays and controls: Human Factors Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Flight Deck Displays and Controls: Version 2.0.

The FAA also has the Human Factors Division within the NextGen Organization (ANG-C1).

Last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2025