Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Application Process for Medical Certification

Exam Techniques and Criteria for Qualification: Items 31–34. Eye - Contact Lenses

The use of contact lens(es) for monovision correction is not allowed:

  • The use of a contact lens in one eye for near vision and in the other eye for distant vision is not acceptable (for example: pilots with myopia plus presbyopia).
  • The use of a contact lens in one eye for near vision and the use of no contact lens in the other eye is not acceptable (for example: pilots with presbyopia but no myopia).

Additionally, designer contact lenses that introduce color (tinted lenses), restrict the field of vision, or significantly diminish transmitted light are not allowed.

Please note: the use of binocular contact lenses for distance-correction-only is acceptable. In this instance, no special evaluation or SODA is routinely required for a distance-vision-only contact lens wearer who meets the standard and has no complications. Binocular bifocal or binocular multifocal contact lenses are acceptable under the Protocol for Binocular Multifocal and Accommodating Devices.

Last updated: Friday, November 5, 2021