Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Decision Considerations - Aerospace Medical Dispositions
Item 40. Skin

Skin Cancer - All Classes

Disease/Condition Evaluation Data Disposition
Unknown pathology If unable to verify pathology, have airman collect:

☐ Medical records describing the diagnosis and treatment; and

☐ Pathology report(s)

More information needed
Once reports are received, refer to the appropriate skin cancer diagnosis in this section.
Basal cell cancer (BCC)

Squamous cell cancer(SCC)

Uncomplicated skin only. No organ involvement

AME interview and exam findings consistent with uncomplicated local BCC or SCC completely treated (excised, destroyed, or Mohs procedure) and resolved. ISSUE
Note BCC or SCC treated in block 60.

If complicated lesion, see below.

Complicated lesion Metastatic lymph node or deep tissue involvement, aggressive pathology or other abnormalities

Also see ENT section

Submit the following for FAA review:

☐ Medical records describing the diagnosis and treatment;

☐ Pathology report(s);

☐ Operative notes;

☐ Current status summary report that includes current or planned future treatment & prognosis; and

☐ Copies of any imaging performed (CT/MRI)

Submit reports to FAA for review.

Follow-up certification - based on Special Issuance Authorization.


Less than 0.75 mm in depth


Melanoma in Situ


☐ Medical records describing the diagnosis and treatment; and

☐ Pathology report(s);

If complete resection with clear margins, no recurrence, no metastatic disease, and favorable reports.

Document in block 60 AND submit reports to FAA for retention in the file.


Equal to 0.75 mm or greater in depth

Review and submit the following:

☐ Medical records describing the diagnosis and treatment;

☐ Pathology report(s);

☐ Operative notes;

☐ Current status report that includes if any additional lesions, any metastatic disease, any current or future treatment planned; and

☐ Current MRI brain

Submit reports to FAA for review.

Follow-up certification - based on Special Issuance Authorization.

Metastatic Melanoma


Melanoma of Unknown Primary Origin

Submit the following for FAA review:

☐ Info from Melanoma greater than 0.75 mm above;

☐ PET scan; and

☐ Copies of any additional testing performed by your treating physician not listed above

Submit supporting documents for FAA review.
Last updated: Thursday, January 7, 2021