Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Application Process for Medical Certification - Examination Techniques
Item 52. Color Vision

Acceptable Test Instruments for Color Vision Screening – Pilots

EFFECTIVE JAN 1, 2025, testing for pilots will be an approved computer-based color vision test. Except for the computerized tests listed, Web-based color vision applications, downloaded or printed versions of color vision tests are prohibited. AMEs must use these specific color vision tests for pilot evaluations.

The following are approved computerized color vision tests for FAA medical certification purposes.


City Occupational Colour Assessment & Diagnosis (CAD; AVOT-PRO-US)
Colour Assessment & Diagnosis (

  • Version - Certification: “Environment and Aviation (Commercial).”
  • If passes FAST version, no further testing is needed for color.
  • If fails FAST version, the full definitive CAD must be completed.

Score must be:

RED GREEN (RG) - less than 12
YELLOW BLUE (YB) - less than 2.4

NOTE: An RG score of less than 1.7 indicates Normal. Less than 6 indicates Deutan; and less than 12 indicates Protan.

Rabin Cone Test (RCCT)
Air Force/Army/Navy/Coast Guard Version

  • Test each eye separately.
  • Staircase version allowed.

Score must be 75 or higher for EACH color:     

  • RED
  • BLUE

Waggoner Computerized Color Vison Test*

*What is tested in each section:
Section 1:  General screening for Protan (red) and Deutan (green) deficiency.
Section 2:  Genetic and acquired deficiencies.
Section 3:  Quantifies Protan (red) deficiency.
Section 4:  Quantifies Deutan (green) deficiency.
Section 5:  D-15 N/A for FAA purposes.

NOTE: If applicant does not pass Section 1, Section 3, and 4 will be automatically given.

Score must be:  

General - 21 or higher (of 25); AND
Tritan - 10 or higher (of 12)


Protan - 20 or higher (of 32); AND
Deutan - 20 or higher (of 32); AND
Tritan - 10 or higher (of 12)


Last updated: Thursday, December 12, 2024