Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Decision Considerations - Aerospace Medical Dispositions
Item 53. Field of Vision

  1. Ophthalmological Consultations. If an applicant fails to identify the target in any presentation at a distance of less than 23 inches from the fixation point, an eye specialist's evaluation must be requested. This is a requirement for all classes of certification. The Examiner should provide FAA Form 8500-14, Ophthalmological Evaluation for Glaucoma, for use by the ophthalmologist if glaucoma is suspected.
  2. Glaucoma. The FAA may grant an Authorization under the special issuance section of part 67 (14 CFR 67.401) on an individual basis. The Examiner can facilitate FAA review by obtaining a report of Ophthalmological Evaluation for Glaucoma (FAA Form 8500-14) from a treating or evaluating ophthalmologist.

    Note: See AASI for History of Glaucoma

    If considerable disturbance in night vision is documented, the FAA may limit the medical certificate: NOT VALID FOR NIGHT FLYING.
  3. Other Pathological Conditions. See Items 31-34.
Last updated: Tuesday, December 27, 2016