Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Decision Considerations
Disease Protocols for Bundle Branch Block (BBB)

Note: The exercise radionuclide stress test can often show a false-positive reversible septal defect due to the wall motion abnormality associated with the LBBB. Specifically, according to the current literature, approximately 40% of individuals with LBBB will demonstrate a false positive radionuclide reperfusion defect in the septal area.

  1. PREVIOUSLY DOCUMENTED AND EVALUATED: No further evaluation required unless there is a change in condition.
  2. RIGHT (RBBB): If a complete RBBB is identified at:
    • Age 35* or younger - If otherwise healthy, will usually not require a Cardiovascular Evaluation (CVE) (unless there is some other indication). Annotate Block 60.
    • Age 36 or older (or other indication) - Will require a cardiac evaluation to include:
      • CVE (PDF) = Narrative + lab (hemoglobin A1C + current Lipid Panel)
      • Stress echo
  3. LEFT (LBBB): A LBBB in a person of any age will require a cardiac evaluation to include:
    • CVE (PDF) = Narrative + lab (hemoglobin A1C + current Lipid Panel)
    • Pharmaceutical radionuclide perfusion study


  • Individuals with a negative work-up may be issued the appropriate class of medical certificate with notes in Item 60 and submission of evaluation documents for retention in the file. No follow-up is required. If any future changes occur, a new current CVE may be required.
  • If areas of ischemia are noted, a coronary angiogram will usually be indicated for definitive diagnosis. If significant CAD is diagnosed, refer to Special Issuance guidelines.

*Age updated to 35 (4/2021)

Last updated: Wednesday, May 29, 2024