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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT)

Deer Valley Airport (DVT) is a medium sized, predominantly business, and general aviation airport. It boasts a large permanently based population. It is located approximately 17 miles north of Phoenix Sky Harbor and is a convenient alternative to the larger and more congested airport. This convenience has led Deer Valley to become one of the busiest general aviation airports in the country. The airport is home to several high activity flight schools, which, along with the large number of itinerant aircraft, results in an extremely busy air traffic environment. View a printable Pilot Handbook of the DVT information found on this Web page. 


Know Before You Go

  • The airport configuration consists of two parallel RWYS with staggered thresholds:  RWY 7L-25R and 7R-25L.  
  • The parallel RWYS are only 700 FT apart.
  • To help pilots identify the correct RWY, the RWYs and TWYs are surrounded and bounded by different colored rock.  The rock around the south RWY, 7R-25L, is colored red while the rock around the north RWY, 7L-25R, is colored green.
  • Caution is urged to actively listen and identify the correct RWY for landing.
  • A complex TWY system provides access to the FBO, and numerous hangars located on the north and south areas of the airport.
  • HS-1 and HS-2 have essentially the same issue.  Aircraft have failed to hold short at the proper locations between the parallel RWYS.
  • You must have a specific clearance to cross any RWY.
  • Pilots exiting the RWY must pull forward far enough to cross the dashed/solid Runway Hold Short marking to ensure that your aircraft is completely clear of the RWY. This may require you to enter the parallel taxiway.  Be aware that the TWR understands and expects this and plans accordingly. 
  • When instructed to hold short of a RWY, there may not be enough space between the parallel taxiway and the RWY Hold Short marking for your aircraft to completely clear the parallel taxiway. Be aware that the TWR understands and expects this and plans accordingly.  Do NOT cross the RWY Hold Short solid line with any part of your airplane until cleared by TWR to do so.
  • Parallel TWYS C and D on the south side of the airport are closely spaced and may be mistaken for each other.  Normally TWY D is used for outbound traffic and TWY C is normally used for inbound traffic.

Below find various DVT-specific information and things to be aware of, as well as general information to inform your preflight planning. This will be reviewed quarterly and updated as needed. This information is to supplement the From the Flight Deck Videos that are produced by the FAA Runway Safety Group. Here you will also find information provided by the local air traffic controllers at the airport where you intend to fly. The information is subject to change. Not for navigation or legal* pre-flight action. Always refer to official pre-flight materials such as, but not limited to, NOTAMs, airport diagrams, VFR charts and airport construction notices for the latest airport-specific details.

DVT Tower Administrative Office
Business Phone 623-581-1492
Open 0600L to 0000L – 7 Days a Week

Last updated: Friday, July 19, 2024