Which drug and alcohol test results must be reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?
The FAA’s drug and alcohol testing regulation, 14 CFR part 120, requires an employer or its Medical Review Officer (MRO) to report the following drug and alcohol test results to the FAA within 2 working days of the verified, confirmed, or refusal result:
- All verified positive drug test results or refusals to submit to test for individuals that hold or would be required to hold an airman medical certificate issued under 14 CFR part 67;
- All alcohol misuse violations (including a confirmed result with a breath alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater; on-duty use; pre-duty use; use following an accident; or refusal to test) for individuals that hold or would be required to hold an airman medical certificate issued under 14 CFR part 67;
- All refusals to submit to drug or alcohol testing for individuals that hold a certificate issued under 14 CFR part 61, 63, or 65.
Although not required, an employer may report other individuals who have a verified positive drug test result, alcohol misuse violation (including a confirmed alcohol result of 0.04 or greater; on-duty use; pre-duty use; or use following an accident), or refusal of a DOT/FAA drug or alcohol test. The Drug Abatement Division provides sample forms to report any of the above information.
If the employee is a pilot, an employer must enter the violation into the Pilot Records Database (PRD) in accordance with 14 CFR part 111, § 111.220. For more information, please review our related FAQ. If you have questions about the PRD or need help accessing the system, please contact the FAA’s PRD support office at 9-amc-avs-PRDSupport@faa.gov.
If you have any further questions or need additional guidance that is more specific to your situation, please contact the FAA’s Drug Abatement Division at (202) 267-8442 or drugabatement@faa.gov.
Please visit our Web site to learn more about our program.
Applicable Regulations:
14 CFR § 120.111(d)
14 CFR § 120.113(d)
14 CFR § 120.221(c) and (d)
14 CFR § 111.220