New Century AirCenter Airport (IXD)
New Century AirCenter (IXD) is a medium sized, primarily general and corporate aviation airport located five miles southwest of Olathe and just northeast of Gardner in the state of Kansas. In addition to corporate and general aviation and numerous flight schools in the area, the Army Reserve has a squadron of CH-47 Chinook helicopters based there. The diverse mix of pilot experience and aircraft capabilities, combined with the fact that the tower does not have radar surveillance capability, makes New Century AirCenter a complex environment for controllers and pilots alike. Accurate pilot position reports when inbound to the airport are essential when arriving at IXD. Pilots arriving from the east must also be aware of Johnson County Executive (KOJC) located 7 miles to the east of New Century. Both airports have associated class Delta airspace, and first time visitors need to be aware of the airspace and communication requirements associated with each one. This video prepares pilots for hot spots, challenges and runway configuration details at IXD.
General Links
Airport Diagrams, VFR Charts, Chart Supplement, NOTAMS, and Construction Notice Diagrams, etc., are routinely updated. Here are some links to current FAA information.
- Aeronautical Information Services. The Aeronautical Information Services site has a wealth of information and:
- Is the authoritative government source for collecting, storing, maintaining, and disseminating aeronautical data for the U. S. and its territories.
- Develops and maintains all public instrument flight procedures and airways.
- Serves as the FAA's aeronautical charting authority for the development, publication, and dissemination of aeronautical charts and products to support aviation and to meet demand for increased capacity, efficiency, and predictability in the airspace, routes, and airports of the National Airspace System (NAS).
- Airport Construction
- Airport Diagram
- Chart Supplement
- From the Flight Deck Videos
- Hot Spots
- VFR Charts