Airmen Certification
Replace an Airmen Certificate
There are two ways to replace an airmen certificate.
- You can request a replacement on-line
- Or you can mail us:
- An Application for Replacement of Lost, Destroyed, or Paper Airman Certificate form
- or a signed, written request stating your:
- name
- date and place of birth
- social security number and/or certificate number
- the reason you need a replacement
You must include a check or money order for $2 (U.S. funds), made payable to FAA, for each certificate you request.
Important Information
- Allow 4 to 6 weeks for mail processing and 7 to 10 days for online processing
- We can only issue one copy of each certificate
- We can't place the original date of issue on a replacement certificate
- We can't issue expired certificates. However, you can request an expired CFI letter at no charge.
- If your current address is listed as a Post Office Box (P.O. Box), General Delivery, Rural Route, or Star Route, please provide directions or a map for locating your residence.
If your airman certificate or special purpose pilot authorization was or will be issued on the basis of on a foreign license you must first apply for a verification of the authenticity of your foreign license. You may visit our website for more information and to obtain the verification form. Your foreign license must first be verified with the CAA prior to making application with the IFO or FSDO to replace your paper pilot certificate or to apply for an airman certificate or rating.