Number | Title | Status | Office | Date |
20-158B |
The Certification of Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems for Operation in the High-Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Environment
This AC provides guidance for a new type certificate (TC) or a change to an existing TC when the certification basis requires you to address the HIRF certification requirements of §§ 23.1308 (Amendment 23-57), 23.2520 (Amendment 23-65), 25.1317, 27.1317, or § 29.1317. |
Active | AIR-626 | 2024-05-20 |
20-141B |
Airworthiness and Operational Approval of Digital Flight Data Recorder Systems with Change 1
This advisory circular (AC) contains changes to Appendix 3. This AC provides information on certification (design and installation) and continued airworthiness of digital flight data recorder systems (DFDRS). |
Active | AIR-626 | 2010-08-17 |