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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Advisory Circulars (ACs)

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Advisory Circulars (ACs) search results
Number Title Status Office Date
91-65 Use of Shoulder Harness in Passenger Seats

Provides guidance and information to pilots, passengers, and maintenance personnel regarding the crash survivability aspects of small aircraft equipped with shoulder harnesses and the hazards of modifying seats, adding appendages to seats, and storage of articles, beneath the seats.

Active AFS-820 1986-08-04
91-71 Operation of Hot Air Balloons with Airborne Heaters

Provides guidance for the safe and practical operation of hot air balloons with airborne heaters in compliance with appropriate portions of 14 CFR 91.

Active AFS-820 1996-06-13
91-48 Acrobatics-Precision Flying with a Purpose

Provides information to persons who are interested in acrobatic flying to improve their piloting skills as recreation, sport, or as a competitive activity.

Active AFS-820 1977-06-29
91-68 Pilot Qualification and Operation of all Surplus Military Turbine-Powered Airplanes

Provides information and guidance to pilots who wish to become qualified to operate surplus military turbine-powered airplanes under a letter of authorization, as required by operating limitations issued for this type of aircraft.

Active AFS-820 1992-02-25
91-50 Importance of Transponder Operation and Altitude Reporting

Provides information and guidance concerning the importance of transponder operation and altitude reporting in the National Airspace System.

Active AFS-820 1977-08-24
91-53A Noise Abatement Departure Profile

These departure profiles are consistent with the airworthiness standards required by the Federal Aviation Regulations Part 25 for type certification and Part 91 for general airplane operations.

Active AFS-820 1993-07-22
91-32B Safety in and Around Helicopters

The information in this AC pertains primarily to helicopter operations conducted under the provisions of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91; however, the safety considerations discussed may be applicable to all helicopter operations.

Active AFS-820 1997-02-18
91-58A Uus of Pyrotechnic isual Distress Signaling Devices

This advisory circular (AC) suggests standards and procedures for the acquisition, use, and storage of pyrotechnic visual distress signaling devices that are intended for use in aircraft emergencies.

Active AFS-820 2000-02-10