Certification Branches (formerly Aircraft Certification Offices/ACOs)

As a result of 2023 AIR Reorganization, Aircraft Certification Offices (ACOs) are now Certification Branches

Certification Branches assist with:

  • Design approval and certificate management
  • Support to Certificate Management Sections for US production approvals.
  • Type certification & continued operational safety questions
  • Investigating and reporting aircraft accidents, incidents, and service difficulties
  • Designated Engineering Representatives (DER) oversight

Map of AIR Certification Branches

Contact details for the Certification Branches and their offices are listed below. You should contact the office nearest to you within the Certification Branch for your geographic region.

Depending on your specific needs, you may want to contact one of the following offices involved in certification and oversight activities:

Integrated Certificate Management Division
Issues design approvals, performs system oversight and evaluates continued operational safety for commercial airplanes and engines.

International Validation Branch
Responsible for all inbound and outbound validation activity for aviation products and appliances.

Military Certification Office (MCO) Branch
Supports military commercial derivative aircraft (MCDA) activities on behalf of the U.S. Armed Services.

Last updated: Wednesday, November 20, 2024