Airport Design Technical Video Series
These videos discuss basic concepts in taxiway design from Advisory Circular 150/5300-13B, Airport Design. Airport planners and designers must understand these concepts to design a safe and efficient taxiway system.
Airport Design Technical Videos
Taxiway Design Groups
The FAA has always based its airport design standards on families of aircraft such as Aircraft Approach Categories and Airplane Design Groups (ADGs). We have now defined a new set of aircraft families — Taxiway Design Groups (TDGs) — based on the configuration of an airplane's landing gear to determine pavement requirements for taxiways.
Basic Taxiway Design
This video discusses the variables of basic taxiway curve geometry, including standardization of taxiway widths, turn angles, and turn radii.
Taxiway Fillet Lighting Design
This video provides an overview of taxiway fillet design and installation of taxiway edge lighting systems.
End-Around Taxiways
This video discusses how to design end-around taxiways or EATs, which must be pre-approved by the FAA Office of Airport Safety and Standards.
Runway Incursion Mitigation and Prevention
This video provides guidance on runway incursion mitigation and prevention, explains what a runway incursion is, and identifies best practices for avoiding runway incursions.
High-Speed Exit Taxiways
This video explains the geometry of high-speed exit taxiways and discusses how to design high-speed exits.
Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
This three-part video mini-series focuses on the Part 77 and TERPs criteria for imaginary surfaces, including how and when to apply each criteria. Part 1 was released in March 2024. Parts 2 and 3, Airport Obstruction Effects – Best Practices and Airport Airspace Case Studies, are forthcoming.
1. Airport Airspace Protection
This video offers insights on Airport Airspace Protection. It outlines essential directives for assessing and safeguarding both present and future airspace, ensuring the secure arrival and departure of aircraft.
Want to Learn More?
Visit these related pages to learn more about the topics discussed in the video series.