Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners
Acronym | Description |
AAM | Office of Aerospace Medicine |
AASI | AME Assisted Special Issuance - Criteria under which an Examiner may reissue a medical certificate for a third-class applicant with a medical history of a disqualifying condition, who has already received a Special Issuance Authorization from the FAA, and criteria to defer issuance to AMCD or RFS for these situations. |
AMCD | Aerospace Medical Certification Division - located at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
AMCS | Airman Medical Certification System - allows the AME to electronically submit FAA Form 8500-8, Application for Airman Medical Certificate to AMCD. |
AME | Aviation Medical Examiner - a physician designated by the FAA and given the authority to perform airman physical examinations for issuance of second- and third-class medical certificates. (NOTE: Senior Examiners perform first-class airman examinations). |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Specialist |
AV | Atrioventricular |
BUN | Blood Urea Nitrogen Test |
CACI | Conditions AMEs Can Issue |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
CAMI | Civil Aerospace Medical Institute |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography Scan |
CBC | Complete Blood Count |
CEA | Carcinoembryonic Antigen |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHD | Coronary Heart Disease |
CT | Computed Tomography Scan |
CVE | Cardiovascular Evaluation |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DUI/DWI | Driving Under The Influence/Driving While Intoxicated |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ECHO | Echocardiographic Images |
ENT | Ear, Nose, and Throat |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulations |
FSDO | Flight Standards District Office |
GXT | Graded Exercise Test |
HgbA1C | Hemoglobin A1C |
INR | International Normalized Ratio |
IVP | Intravenous Pyelography Test |
KUB | Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder |
MFO | Medical Field Office |
MFT | Medical Flight Test |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MVP | Mitral Valve Prolapse |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
PAC | Premature Atrial Contraction |
PET | Positron Emission Tomography |
PFT | Pulmonary Function Test |
PSA | Prostate Specific Antigen |
PT | Prothrombin Time |
PTT | Partial Thromboplastin Time |
PVC | Premature Ventricular Contraction |
RF | Radio Frequency Ablation |
RFS | Regional Flight Surgeon |
SI | Special Issuance |
SODA | Statement of Demonstrated Ability |
TFT | Thyroid Function Test |
US | Ultrasound |
Last updated: Monday, November 14, 2022