Safety Management System (SMS)

Airplane flying in clouds

Overview of SMS

Safety Management System (SMS) is a formal, top-down, organization-wide approach to managing safety risk and ensuring the effectiveness of safety risk controls.

 An SMS is made up of four components. 

4 components of an SMS. Safety policy, safety assurance, safety risk management, and safety promotion.

Available SMS Resources

Implementation Timelines Specifics

Part 135 Applicants and Certificate Holders

Current Status How much time do I have to develop and implement SMS?
Applicants on the Applicant List (per Notice 8900.687) before May 28, 2024  36 months – May 28, 2027 
Applicants in the Initial Certification Phase before to May 28, 2024  36 months – May 28, 2027 
New Applications submitted on or after May 28, 2024  Upon certification 
Applications in Preapplication Phase on or before May 28, 2024  Upon certification 
Operators certificated before May 28, 2024  36 months – May 28, 2027 

91.147 Air Tour Operators with an LOA

Current Status How much time do I have to develop and implement SMS?
91.147 LOA Applications received on or before May 28th, 2024  36 months – May 28, 2027 
91.147 LOA Applications received on or after May 28th, 2024  Upon LOA Issuance 

Part 121 Certificate Holders

Current Status How much time do I have to implement the changes to part 5? 
Certificate Holder’s certificated before May 28, 2024  12 Months – May 28, 2025 
New Applicants Upon Certification 

SMSVP Participants

Current Status How much time do I have to implement the changes to part 5? 
Accepted SMS (Active Conformance)  12 Months – May 28, 2025 
New Entrants Submit a declaration of compliance after development and implementation of SMS meeting part 5 requirements 

SMS Voluntary Program (SMSVP)

The FAA has expanded the eligibility requirements for participation in the SMS Voluntary Program (SMSVP) to include the following 14 CFR parts:

  • Part 61 Flight Schools; Part 91 Living History Flight Experience (LHFE); Part 91 Banner Towing; Part 91K – Fractional Ownership Operations; Part 91 Executive Corporate Operators; Part 105 Parachute Operations; 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

SMSVP eligibility for the following 14 CFR Parts remains unchanged: 

  • Part 125 Operations; Part 133 Rotorcraft External Loads; Part 137 AG Operations; Part 141 Pilot Schools; Part 142 Training Centers; Part 145 Repair Stations; and Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Tech Schools.

What are the benefits of managing safety with a voluntary, formal, SMS?

  • Increases safety by supporting a proactive, predictive method of managing safety to identify and address problems before they occur.

  • Demonstrates safety as a priority to recruit and retain high-caliber staff and to strengthen an organization's safety culture.
  • Realizes cost savings with the ability to anticipate and prevent costly accidents.
  • Improves data-informed decision making to prioritize resource allocation.
  • Increases customer confidence in the Certificate Holder's ability to operate safely and potentially increase new and returning business. 
  • Enhances communication about safety by using common, consistent terminology within the organization and throughout the industry.
  • Increases eligibility for certain contracts.
  • 14 CFR Part 5 compliant SMS is recognized by International Civil Aviation Organization.

Where can I get support or find additional information about SMSVP?

For additional questions and support, contact the Federal Aviation Administration Office of Safety Standards, SMS Program Office: If you are contacting the SMS Program Office, please include the 14 CFR part associated with the request or question and provide the company name and location (city/state), if applicable.

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