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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Advisory Circulars (ACs)

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Advisory Circulars (ACs) search results
Number Title Status Office Date
25-18 Transport Category Airplanes Modified for Cargo Service

Provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the FAR pertaining to transport category airplanes converted for use in all-cargo or combination passenger/cargo (combi) service and the relationship of those regulations to the requirements of Parts 121and 135 of the FAR.

Active ANM-114 1994-01-06
25.812-2 Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking Systems Incorporating Photoluminescent Elements

Provides guidance for use in demonstrating compliance with the provisions of part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) regarding floor proximity emergency escape path marking systems (FPEEPMS), which incorporate photo luminescent elements.

Active ANM-114 1997-07-24
25.812-1A Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking

Provides guidance material for use in demonstrating compliance with the provisions of Part 25 of the FAR requiring floor proximity emergency escape path markings.

Active ANM-114 1989-05-22
25.807-1 Uniform Distribution of Exits

Provides guidance material for acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for distributing required passenger emergency exits uniformly.

Active ANM-114 1990-08-13