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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Advisory Circulars (ACs)

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Advisory Circulars (ACs) search results
Number Title Status Office Date
25-16 Electrical Fault and Fire Prevention and Protection

This advisory circular (AC) provides information on electrically caused faults, overheat, smoke, and fire in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 1991-04-05
25-12 Airworthiness Criteria for the Approval of Airborne Windshear Warning Systems in Transport Category

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the airworthiness approval of airborne windshear warning systems in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-110 1987-11-02
25-18 Transport Category Airplanes Modified for Cargo Service

Provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the FAR pertaining to transport category airplanes converted for use in all-cargo or combination passenger/cargo (combi) service and the relationship of those regulations to the requirements of Parts 121and 135 of the FAR.

Active ANM-114 1994-01-06
25.335-1A Design Dive Speed

Sets forth an acceptable means , but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) related to the minimum speed margin between design cruise speed and design dive speed for transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-110 2000-09-29
25-20 Pressurization, Ventilation and Oxygen Systems Assessment for Subsonic Flight including High Altitude Operation

Provides guidance on methods of compliance with the requirements of part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations pertaining to pressurization, ventilation, and oxygen systems, especially as they pertain to high altitude subsonic flight.

Active ANM-111 1996-09-10
25.723-1 Shock Absorption Tests

This advisory circular (AC) sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) related to the use of landing gear shock absorption tests and analyses to determine landing loads for transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-110 2001-05-25
25.812-1A Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking

Provides guidance material for use in demonstrating compliance with the provisions of Part 25 of the FAR requiring floor proximity emergency escape path markings.

Active ANM-114 1989-05-22
25.905-1 Minimizing the Hazards from Propeller Blade and Hub Failures

Describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Section 25.905, “Propellers,” of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 25.

Active ANM-110 2000-09-27
25.1523-1 Minimum Flightcrew

Sets forth a method of compliance with the requirements of Section 25.1523 of the FAR, which contains the certification requirements for minimum flight crew on transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 1993-02-02
25.773-1 Pilot Compartment View Design Considerations

Provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes pertaining to pilot compartment view.

Active ANM-111 1993-01-08
25.783-1A Fuselage Doors and Hatches

Sets forth acceptable means of compliance with the provisions of Part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) dealing with the certification requirements of fuselage doors.

Active ANM-115 2005-04-25
25.812-2 Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking Systems Incorporating Photoluminescent Elements

Provides guidance for use in demonstrating compliance with the provisions of part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) regarding floor proximity emergency escape path marking systems (FPEEPMS), which incorporate photo luminescent elements.

Active ANM-114 1997-07-24
25.1435-1 Hydraulic System Certification Tests and Analysis

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance material for use as an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes that contain hydraulic system requirements.

Active ANM-110 2001-05-21
25.613-1 Material Strength Properties and Material Design Values

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the airworthiness standards that specify the requirements for material strength properties and material design values.

Active ANM-115 2003-08-06
25.703-1 Takeoff Configuration Warning Systems

Provides guidance for the certification of takeoff configuration warning systems installed in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 1993-03-17
25.963-1 Fuel Tank Access Covers

Sets forth a means of compliance with the provisions of Part 25 of the FAR dealing with the certification requirements for fuel tank access covers on turbine powered transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-112 1992-07-29
25.939-1 Evaluating Turbine Engine Operating Characteristics

Provides guidelines for the evaluation of turbine engine (turbojet, turboprop, and turboshaft) operating characteristics for subsonic transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-112 1986-03-19
25.1455-1 Waste Water/Potable Water Drain System Certification Testing

Sets forth a specific method of compliance with the requirements of section 25.1455 of the FAR pertaining to draining of fluids through drain masts when the fluids are subject to freezing.

Active ANM-112 1985-03-11
25.1362-1 Electrical Supplies for Emergency Conditions

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the transport category airplane certification requirements of § 25.1362, Electrical supplies for emergency conditions.

Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25.1360-1 Protection Against Injury

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the transport category airplane certification requirements of § 25.1360 Precautions against injury

Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25.795-8 Interior Design to Facillitate Searches

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 25, § 25.795(c)(3), “Interior design to facilitate searches.”

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.795-5 Cargo Compartment Fire Suppression

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 25, § 25.795(b)(3), “Cargo compartment fire suppression.”

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.981-2A Fuel Tank Flammability

This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance on compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes about limiting the time a fuel tank may be flammable or mitigation of hazards from flammable fuel air mixtures within fuel tanks.

Active ANM-112 2008-09-19
25.795-1A FlightDeck Intrusion Resistance

This advisory circular (AC) sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes related to the airplane design for flightdeck (also referred to as the pilot compartment or cockpit) intrusion resistance.

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.1353-1A Electrical equipment and installations Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25-17A Transport Airplane Cabin Interiors Crashworthiness Handbook

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides acceptable certification methods, but not necessarily the only acceptable methods, for demonstrating compliance with the crashworthiness requirements of part 25, as amended through Amendment 25-112, of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) for transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-100 2009-05-18
25.795-9 Chemical Oxygen Generator Security Standards

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for an acceptable means of showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations(14 CFR) 25.795(d), Chemical oxygen generators.

Active ANM-100 2014-03-11
25.341-1 Dynamic Gust Loads

This advisory circular (AC) describes acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 25.341, Gust and turbulence loads.

Active ANM-115 2014-12-12
25-27A Development of Transport Category Airplane Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Using and Enhanced Zonal Analysis Procedure

Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems/Fuel Tank Safety (EAPAS/FTS)” rule. That rule requires design approval holders (DAHs) and applicants to develop instructions for continued airworthiness (ICA) consisting of maintenance and inspection tasks, intervals, and procedures for the representative airplane’s electrical wiring interconnection systems (EWIS) for each affected type design.

Active ANM-100 2010-05-04
25.571-1D Damage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Structure

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidanc~ for compliance with the provisions of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 25, pertaining to the requirements for damage-tolerance and fatigue evaluation oftransport category aircraft structurce, including evaluation of widespread fatigue dam, age (VlFD) and establishing a limit of validity of the engineering data that supports the structural-maintenance program (hereafter referred to as the LOV).

Active ANM-115 2011-01-13
25-25A Performance and Handling Characteristics in Icing Conditions

This advisory circular describes an acceptable means of showing compliance with the airplane performance and handling characteristics certification requirements for flight in the icing conditions defined in Appendices C and 0 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 25.

Active ANM-110 2014-10-27
25.362-1 Engine Failure Loads

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 25.362, Engine failure loads.

Active ANM-115 2014-12-12
25.857-1 Class B and F Cargo Compartments

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance concerning compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes pertaining to Class B and Class F cargo compartments.

Active ANM-112 2016-02-03
25.975-1 Fuel Vent Fire Protection

This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance concerning compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements in Title 14, Code of Regulations (14 CFR) 25.975(a)(7) and related regulations for preventing fuel tank explosions caused by ignition of vapors outside the fuel tank vents.

Active ANM-112 2016-06-24
25-31 Takeoff Performance Data for Operations on Contaminated Runways

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance and standardized methods that data providers, such as type certificate (TC) holders, supplemental type certificate (STC) holders, applicants, and airplane operators, can use when developing takeoff performance data for transport category airplanes for operations on contaminated runways.

Active ANM-111 2015-12-22
25.1701-1 Certification of Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems on Transport Category Airplanes

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for certification of electrical wiring interconnection systems (EWIS) on transport category airplanes in accordance with 14 CFR part 25, subpart H, sections §§25.1701 through 25.1739 and sections H25.4 and H25.5 of Appendix H to part 25.

Active ANM-100 2007-12-04
25.1365-1 Electrical Appliances, Motors, and Transformers

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the transport category airplane certification requirements of § 25.1365 Electrical appliances, motors, and transformers.

Active ANM-100 2007-11-27
25.795-3 Flightdeck Protection (Smoke and Fumes)

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means of showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 25, § 25.795(b)(1), “Flight deck protection.”

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25-26 Development of standard wiring practices documentation Active ANM-100 2007-11-14
25-19A Certification Maintenance Requirements

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance on the selection, documentation, and control of Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR).

Active ANM-117 2011-10-03
25-28 Compliance of Transport Category Airplanes with Certification Requirements for Flight in Icing Conditions

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means of showing compliance with the supercooled large drop condition requirements of § 25.773, Pilot compartment view, § 25.1323, Airspeed indicating system, § 25.1324 Angle of attack system and § 25.1325, Static pressure system, as well as the requirements of § 25.1419, Ice protection, and § 25.1420, Supercooled large drop icing conditions, of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 25.

Active ANM-110 2014-10-27
25-29 Development of a Nondestructive Inspection Program/Organization

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the development of organizations and facilities performing nondestructive inspections (NDI).

Active AFS-300 2013-09-20
25.307-1 Proof of Structure

This advisory circular describes acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations 25.307, Proof of structure.

Active ANM-115 2014-10-07
25-11B Electronic Flight Displays

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for showing compliance with certain requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 25 for the design, installation, integration, and approval of electronic flight deck displays, components, and systems installed in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 2014-10-07
25.851-1 Built-in Fire Extinguishing/Suppression Systems in Class C and Class F Cargo Compartments

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance concerning compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes pertaining to Class C and Class F cargo compartments that incorporate built-in fire extinguishing/suppression systems.

Active ANM-112 2016-02-03
25.856-1 Thermal/Acoustic Insulation Flame Propagation Test Method Details

Guidance applies to airplanes required to conform with 25.856, and part VI of appendix F to Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 25.

Active ANM-115 2005-06-24
25.807-1 Uniform Distribution of Exits

Provides guidance material for acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for distributing required passenger emergency exits uniformly.

Active ANM-114 1990-08-13
25-13 Reduced and Derated Takeoff Thrust (Power) Procedures

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the certification and use of reduced thrust (power) for takeoff and derated takeoff thrust (power) on turbine powered transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-112 1988-05-04
25-9A Smoke Detection, Penetration, and Evacuation Tests and Related Flight Manual Emergency Procedures

Provides guidelines for the conduct of certification tests relating to smoke detection, penetration, and evacuation and to evaluate related Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) procedures.

Active ANM-111 1994-01-06
25-15 Approval of Flight Management Systems in Transport Category Airplanes

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance material for the airworthiness approval of flight management systems (FMS) in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 1989-11-20
25-8 Auxiliary Fuel Systems Installations

Sets forth acceptable means, but not the sole means, by which compliance maybe shown with auxiliary fuel system installation requirements in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations identified within.

Active ANM-112 1986-05-02
25.562-1B Dynamic Evaluation of Seat Restraint Systems and Occupant Protection on Transport Airplanes / with Change 1

This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance regarding acceptable means of compliance with the requirements of 14 CFR part 25 applicable to dynamic testing of seats.

Active ANM-110 2006-01-10
25-24 Sustained Engine Imbalance

Sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of 14 CFR Part 25 related to the aircraft design for sustained engine rotor imbalance conditions.

Active ANM-100 2000-08-02
25-22 Certification of Transport Airplane Mechanical Systems

Provides methods acceptable to the Administrator for showing compliance with the type certification requirements for transport airplane mechanical systems and equipment installations.

Active ANM-112 2000-03-14
25.491-1 Taxi, Takeoff and Landing Roll Design Loads

Sets forth acceptable methods of compliance with provisions of Part 25 of the FAR dealing with the certification requirements for taxi, takeoff, and landing roll design loads.

Active ANM-110 2000-10-20
25.735-1 Brakes and Braking Systems Certification Tests and Analysis

Describes an acceptable means for obtaining FAA airworthiness approval concerning new or revised requirements for braking systems, and associated test conditions for braking systems, installed in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-100 2002-04-10
25.853-1 Flammability Requirements for Aircraft Seat Cushions

Provides guidance material for demonstrating compliance with the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) pertaining to flammability of aircraft seat cushions.

Active ANM-110 1986-09-17
25.994-1 Design Considerations to Protect Fuel Systems during a Wheels-Up Landing

Presents guidelines and methods for complying with the requirements of section 25.994 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).

Active ANM-110 1986-07-24
25.775-1 Windows and Windshields

Sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 25 pertaining to the certification requirements for windshields, windows, and mounting structure.

Active ANM-110 2003-01-17
25.1581-1 Airplane Flight Manual

Identifies the information that must be provided in Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) under the airworthiness regulations and provides guidance as to the form and content of the approved portion of an AFM.

Active ANM-110 1997-07-14
25-23 Airworthiness Criteria for the Installation Approval of a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) for Part 25 Airplanes

Describes an acceptable means for obtaining FAA airworthiness approval for the installation of a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) that has been approved under Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C151a.

Active ANM-130L 2000-05-22
25.899-1 Electrical bonding and protection against static electricity

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the transport category airplane certification requirements of § 25.899 Electrical bonding and protection against static electricity

Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25.1529-1A Instructions for Continued airworthiness of Structural Repairs on Transport Airplanes

Provides instructions to ensure continued airworthiness of structural repairs on transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-100 2007-11-20
25.795-6 Least Risk Bomb Location

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 25, § 25.795(c), “Least risk bomb location.”

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.869-1A Fire Protection: Systems

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance with the transport category airplane certification requirements of § 25.863 Flammable fluid fire protection (as applicable to electrical system components) and § 25.869 Fire protection: systems.

Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25.1357-1A Circuit protective devices Active ANM-100 2007-10-22
25.795-7 Survivability of Systems Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.795-4 Passenger Cabin Smoke Protection

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides an acceptable means of showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 25, § 25.795(b)(2), “Cabin smoke protection.”

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.729-1 Transport Airplane Landing Gear Retracting Mechanism

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 25.729 regarding the landing gear retracting mechanism requirements.

Active ANM-110 2011-12-28
25.1302-1 Installed Systems and Equipment for Use by the Flightcrew

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the design and methods of compliance for installed equipment on transport airplanes intended for use by the flightcrew.

Active ANM-111 2013-05-03
25.415-1 Ground Gust Conditions

This advisory circular (AC) describes acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 25.415, Ground gust conditions.

Active ANM-115 2014-12-12
25.1322-1 Flightcrew Alerting

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for showing compliance with certain requirements of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 25, for the design approval of flightcrew-alerting functions

Active ANM-100 2010-12-13
25-30 Fuel Tank Strength in Emergency Landing Conditions

This advisory circular describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the fuel tank structural integrity requirements of §§ 25.561, 25.721, and 25.963 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations.

Active ANM-115 2014-10-07
25.621-1 Casting Factors

This advisory circular describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of § 25.621, Casting factors, of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 25.

Active ANM-115 2014-10-06
25.1329-1C Approval of Flight Guidance Systems, Including Change 1

This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means for showing compliance with certain requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 25.1329, Flight guidance systems.

Active ANM-110 2014-10-27
25.981-1D Fuel Tank Ignition Source Prevention Guidelines

This AC provides guidance for showing compliance with § 25.981, which provides the certification requirements for the prevention of ignition sources, other than lightning, within the fuel tanks of transport category airplanes.

Active AIR-600 2018-09-24
25-32 Landing Performance Data for Time-of-Arrival Landing Performance Assessments

This AC provides guidance and standardized methods that data providers, such as TC holders, STC holders, applicants, and airplane operators, can use when developing landing performance data for time-of-arrival landing performance assessments for transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-111 2015-12-22
25-7D Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the flight test evaluation of transport category airplanes.

Active AIR-600 2018-05-04
25.954-1 Transport Airplane Fuel System Lightning Protection

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for showing compliance with the airworthiness regulations for transport category airplanes regarding lightning protection of fuel tanks and systems.

Active AIR-600 2018-09-24
25.795-2A Flight Deck Penetration Resistance

This advisory circular (AC) sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes related to the airplane design for flightdeck penetration resistance.

Active ANM-100 2008-10-24
25.856-2A Installation of Thermal/Acoustic Insulation for Burnthrough Protection

This AC provides guidance for the test method to determine burnthrough resistance of thermal/acoustic insulation materials installed in transport category airplanes.

Active ANM-115 2008-07-29
25.803-1A Emergency Evacuation Demonstrations

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance on means, but not the only means, of compliance with Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 25 concerning: (1) conduct of full?

Active ANM-115 2012-03-12