Regulatory Consistency Communication Board (RCCB)

Report a potential regulatory inconsistency

The purpose of the Regulatory Consistency Communication Board (RCCB) is to provide an avenue for internal and external stakeholders to raise issues of policy or regulatory inconsistency. Issues brought to the RCCB should involve policy or regulations overseen by the Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) or the Flight Standards Service (AFS).

If you have identified a potential inconsistency that meets this definition, please submit a form to the RCCB.

For more information on the RCCB please refer to Order 8000.70, Regulatory Consistency Communication Board (RCCB) or read the frequently asked questions. You may also review a training course (PDF) or view a sample RCCB submission (PDF).

Please note that the RCCB does not address issues dealing with:

  • low flying aircraft (including UAS);
  • general questions about UAS operations;
  • questions or concerns about aviation accidents or incidents; or
  • concerns about customer service or delays on commercial airlines.

For assistance in these areas please contact the FAA.

View the Paperwork Reduction Act burden statement and Privacy Act statement for the collection of information under the RCCB.

OMB Control No. 2120-0746, expiration date: Pending OMB

* indicates a required field

Please list the contact information of person(s) or organization(s) within the FAA that you contacted on this issue.

If you submit an anonymous report, you will not receive feedback and we will not be able to contact you to get clarification on the issue. In some cases this may result in our inability to address or correct the inconsistency. However, as an anonymous submitter you can voluntarily provide an email address so that we can contact you with follow-up questions, if needed, and provide status updates.

Personal information
Please provide details of the inconsistency. Include a clear statement of the issue; when and how you became aware of the issue and whether it is ongoing; details on how the issue effects your operations; and your role within the aviation community (e.g., 145 certificate holder, DER, etc). Please include reference to any CFR parts and sections, along with guidance material that may be adding to the inconsistency.


Please check any and all documents involved in the inconsistency/issue. Give a detailed discussion of the role these documents play in the inconsistency.

Guidance documents
Discussion: List volume, chapter, section, paragraph, e.g., volume 3, chapter 13, section 1, paragraph 3-399.
Discussion: List Order, e.g., Order 1320.1E.
Discussion: List Notice, e.g., N 8900.327.
Discussion: List AC, e.g., AC 91-74B.
Discussion: List number and title, e.g., InFO 15008, Iridium Satellite Voice (SATVOICE) with Safety Services/SAFO 15004, Scenario-Based Go-Around Training.
Discussion: List Policy Number, e.g. PL-024.
Regulatory documents
Discussion: List regulation identifier number (RIN), docket number, or Title, e.g., RIN 2/20-AA64, Docket No. FAA-2004-19242, Title: McCauley Propeller System Five-Blade Propeller Assemblies.
Discussion: List public law number, e.g., PL 112-95 or statute number, e.g., Title 49 U.S.C. § 44702.
Discussion: List exemption or docket number, e.g., Exemption No. 8264E or Docket No. FAA-2004-17184.
Discussion: List CFR part and section, e.g., 121.293.
Discussion: List paragraph number, e.g., A025.
Discussion: List URL, e.g.,​aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/reregistration_faq/
Discussion: List numbers, e.g., TSO-C132A.
Discussion: Add another document if not listed above.