Safety Management System

SMS By Aviation Industry Segment

The information in this section is tailored to the unique characteristics of each major service provider type. Your organization may span sectors, so more than one of the following may apply to you. Each respective link offers detailed information about SMS, as it applies to your particular operational environment. Contact information can be found on each sector-specific page.

Information in this section is provided for the following groups:

Provider Description
121 Operators Air Carriers operating under part 121
Air Tour Operators, 
Charter airlines and
Commuter airlines

Commuter and On-Demand Operations under part 135 as well as Commercial Air Tour Operators under part 91.147
Design and Manufacturing Organizations Design Approval Holders, Suppliers, Production Certificate Holders, PMA, TC Holders Producing under TC (FAA Oversight by; Aircraft Certification, Manufacturing Inspection District Offices (MIDO), Aircraft Engineering Group (AEG)
Airports Airports
Air Traffic Air Navigation, Airway Facilities

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