Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners

Decision Considerations - Aerospace Medical Dispositions
Item 47. Psychiatric Conditions - Denials

The FAA has concluded that certain psychiatric conditions are such that their presence or a past history of their presence is sufficient to suggest a significant potential threat to aviation safety. It is incumbent upon the Examiner to be aware of any indications of these conditions currently or in the past, and to deny or defer issuance of the medical certificate to an applicant who has a history of these conditions. An applicant who has a current diagnosis or history of these conditions may request the FAA to grant an Authorization under the special issuance section of part 67 (14 CFR 67.401) and, based upon individual considerations, the FAA may grant such an issuance.

All applicants with any of the following conditions must be denied or deferred:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Personality Disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Substance Abuse
  • Substance Dependence
  • Suicide Attempt


In some instances, the following conditions may also warrant denial or deferral:

  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Bereavement; Dysthmic; or Minor Depression
  • Use of Psychotropic Medications for Smoking Cessation


See the Psychiatric Conditions Table of Medical Dispositions.

For Specification guidelines, see:


Last updated: Friday, August 20, 2021