Airmen Certification

Change Releaseability Status

The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (PDF, 7 KB) , and other statutory requirements require us to make airmen certificate information available to the public. Airmen that meet the active criteria received written notice of these requirements. Airmen may request to withhold address information from release; certificate information cannot be withheld from the public.

If you received a letter from our office and you want to check the status of your address releasability.


If you address appears in the database and you would like to remove it, or does not and you would like to add it, you can change the releasability status online. This method requires that you register with online services.

You can mail your request to:

Federal Aviation Administration
Airmen Certification Branch
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082

NOTE: If you address was previously released in a monthly downloadable file and downloaded by a third party for promotional reasons, you must contact them directly to request removal. FAA is only responsible for updating our database and the monthly download file from website.

Last updated: Friday, June 24, 2022