FAA Releases Draft EIS for Burbank Terminal Project
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed replacement passenger terminal project at Hollywood Burbank Airport.
A 45-day public comment period for the Draft EIS begins today. The FAA will host two virtual public workshops on the document on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020, and a virtual public hearing on the proposal on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020.
The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority is proposing to build a new, 14-gate passenger terminal in the northeast section of the airport. It would replace the existing, 14-gate passenger terminal in the southeast section of the airport which does not meet current FAA safety standards because of its proximity to the taxiways and runways.
The existing passenger terminal would be demolished and parallel Taxiways A and C would be extended full length to the ends of Runways 15-33 and 8-26, respectively. The project also would include building a 45,900-square-foot aircraft apron, public parking structure, airline cargo building, passenger terminal access road, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting station, central utility plant, and other infrastructure. A number of structures and facilities would be removed or demolished.
The proposed project that the Draft EIS evaluates does not involve changes to any airspace procedures. The FAA’s proposed amendments to two existing Hollywood Burbank Airport departure procedures are an independent project that is undergoing a separate federal environmental review.
The Draft EIS public workshops will run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23. FAA representatives will present information about the proposed project and the Draft EIS. Members of the public will be able to submit written questions, which FAA representatives will answer live following the presentation.
The public hearing will run from 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24. The public will be able to provide comments on the proposed project live during the public hearing, on the project website, and by mail. The FAA will respond to all substantive comments in the Final EIS.
The FAA will provide details about the workshops and public hearing, including how to register and participate, on the project website.