FAA Revokes Repair Station Certificate of Ecolift Corporation of Puerto Rico

Friday, May 8, 2020

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued an emergency order revoking the repair station certificate of Ecolift Corporation of San Juan, P.R.

The FAA alleges Ecolift repeatedly performed aircraft maintenance work that it was not authorized to perform. The work included:

  • An altimeter correlation check on a Beechcraft 1900C airplane.
  • Audio control panel installation on a McDonnell Douglas 600N helicopter.
  • Altimeter installation on a Robinson R-44 helicopter. The company also failed to retain documentation showing that it performed the work according to approved technical data, and failed to document who performed the work.
  • Transponder work on a Cessna 182 airplane.
  • Pitot-static system, transponder and compass swing inspections on an Airbus EC145 helicopter.
  • Engine, tail boom, drive shaft, exhaust, battery and avionics maintenance on a Bell 505 helicopter.
  • Transponder inspections and tests on a Eurocopter EC-130 helicopter and on a Robinson R-44 helicopter.
  • Transponder maintenance work on a Piper PA-23-250 airplane.

In each instance of alleged unauthorized maintenance work, the company signed documents stating it had performed the work according to the applicable federal aviation regulations, and approved the aircraft for return to service.

The FAA also alleges Ecolift:

  • Failed to properly document maintenance it performed on the engines of a Bell 427 helicopter.
  • Allowed an unauthorized person to sign off on approving a Bell 407GX helicopter and a Bell 206L4 helicopter for return to service following maintenance work.
  • Failed to provide sufficient workspace and areas to properly segregate, identify, store and protect articles that were undergoing maintenance.

Prior to discovering the above-referenced alleged violations, the FAA had identified earlier instances where Ecolift performed unauthorized maintenance work. Between 2016 and 2018, the agency had worked with the company to develop a corrective action plan to address this issue. During investigations in 2018 and 2019, the FAA notified Ecolift that it was violating federal aviation regulations by continuing to perform unauthorized work.

Ecolift has surrendered its certificate.