Pharmaceuticals (Therapeutics)
Over-the-Counter Medications
AME Information
For guidance on pharmaceutical considerations, side effects, observations times, and tips for reading medication labels for aviation safety, see OTC Medications.
Pilot Information
- The information presented should not be considered all-inclusive; these are general guidelines.
- IMPORTANT - it is not just the medication, but the condition for which you are taking them that could be of aeromedical concern.
- For specific medication questions, consult your AME.
- For more information, see Medications and Flying Brochure and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications Reference Guide - What Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications Can I Take and Still be Safe to Fly?
Over the Counter (OTC) Medications Reference Table
NOTE: This list is not all-inclusive or intended to take the place of consultation(s) with your primary care physician and/or AME (aviation medical examiner). Remember, if you have significant underlying health conditions, it is recommended that the use of any medication be discussed with your physician PRIOR to taking the medication.
To view the full version of the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications Reference Table, including rationale, click here.