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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Advisory Circulars (ACs)

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Advisory Circulars (ACs) search results
Number Title Status Office Date
450.110-1 Physical Containment as a Hazard Control Strategy

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for an operator to develop a physical containment analysis in accordance with § 450.110.

Active AST-1 2022-09-27
450.167-1 Tracking for Launch and Reentry Safety Analysis

This AC provides guidance and an acceptable means of complying with the requirement to track the flight of a launch or reentry vehicle under 14 CFR § 450.167 using onboard hardware, launch site services, or other means.

Active AST-1 2022-09-29
450.173-1 Part 450 Mishap Plan – Reporting, Response, and Investigation Requirements

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance and an acceptable method, but not the only method, for developing a mishap plan under title 14 CFR § 450.173.

Active AST-1 2021-08-12
450.31-1 Applying for FAA Determination on Policy or Payload Reviews

This AC provides guidance on demonstrating compliance with the requirements for policy and payload reviews in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.31.

Active AST-1 2023-08-10
450.117-1 Trajectory Analysis for Normal Flight

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance and a comprehensive method for performing a normal trajectory analysis in accordance with § 450.117 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).

Active AST-1 2021-08-19
437.73-1 Anomaly Reporting and Corrective Action for a Reusable Suborbital Rocket Operating Under an Experimental Permit

Provide guidance for reporting anomalie occurring in reusable suborbital rockets operating under an expermentalpermit issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) This AC also provide guidance for implementing an anomaly reporting and corrective action system for reusable suborbital rockets operating under FAA-issued experimental permit.

Active AST-1 2007-04-20
431.35-2A Reusable Launch and Reentry Vehicle System Safety Process

Provides guidance and information concerning the application of a systematic and logical system safety process and methodology for identification and control of public safety hazards associated with the operation of reusable launch vehicle and reentry vehicle systems.

Active AST-1 2005-07-20
450.115-1B High Fidelity Flight Safety Analysis

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance and a comprehensive method for performing a high fidelity flight safety analysis in accordance with title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.115.

Active AST-1 2024-08-02
450.45-1 Launch and Reentry of Space Nuclear Systems

The purpose of this AC is to guide applicants through the launch and reentry licensing process when SNS are present on a launch or reentry vehicle.

Active AST-1 2023-10-20
440.17-1 Reciprocal Waiver of Claims Requirements

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for an operator to comply with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 440.17 Reciprocal waiver of claims requirements by providing templates for reciprocal waiver of claims agreements that are in a form acceptable to the Administrator.

Active AST-1 2024-09-13
450.3-1 Definition of Launch and Scope of a Vehicle Operator License

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance on the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) definition of “launch” in § 401.7, and the determination of the beginning of a launch at a United States (U.S.) launch site, per § 450.3(b)(1) and (d).

Active AST-1 2022-09-29
450.139-1 Toxic Hazards

This AC provides guidance for an operator conducting a licensed launch or reentry under 14 CFR part 450.

Active AST-1 2024-07-08
450.103-1 System Safety Program

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance and an acceptable method, but not the only method, that may be used to define an acceptable system safety program (SSP) in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.103 System Safety Program.

Active AST-1 2021-09-07
450.179-1 Ground Safety

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance and a comprehensive method for performing a ground safety analysis in accordance with title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) §§ 450.179, 450.181, 450.183, 450.185, and 450.189.

Active AST-1 2021-09-22
450.109-1 Flight Hazard Analysis

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for an operator to apply a systematic and logical hazard analysis to identify, analyze, and control public safety hazards and risks associated with flight, and phases of flight, for a launch or reentry vehicle (hereafter referred to as system) in accordance with § 450.109.

Active AST-1 2021-08-05
437.55-1 Hazard Analysis for the Launch or Reentry of a Reusable Suborbital Rocket Under an Experimental Permit

Provide guidance for applying a systematic and logical hazard analysis to the identification, analysis, and control of public safety hazards and risks associated with the launch and reentry of a reusable suborbital rocket under an experimental permit.

Active AST-1 2007-04-20
450.141-1A Computing System Safety

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for identifying computing system safety items, developing safety requirements for each computing system safety item, and mitigating the risks presented by computing system safety items, in accordance with 14 CFR § 450.141.

Active AST-1 2021-08-16
450.169-1 Launch and Reentry Collision Avoidance Analysis

This AC provides guidance to launch or reentry operators on how to complete the launch and reentry collision avoidance analysis in accordance with 14 CFR § 450.169.

Active AST-1 2023-08-10
450.161-1 Control of Hazard Areas

This AC provides guidance on meeting the requirements of § 450.161 to publicize, survey, control, or evacuate each flight hazard area identified under § 450.133 prior to initiating flight of a launch vehicle or the reentry of a reentry vehicle to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with the risk criteria in § 450.101.

Active AST-1 2022-12-21
413.13-1 Guidance on Submitting a Complete Enough and Complete Application for a Vehicle Operator License

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance on demonstrating compliance with the requirements of completing a license application in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §§ 413.11 and 413.13.

Active AST-1 2023-12-18
450.137-1 De Minimis Far-Field Overpressure Blast Effects Analysis

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance on a simplified method for performing a Far-Field Blast Overpressure (FFBO) effects analysis as part of a flight safety analysis in accordance with 14 CFR § 450.137.

Active AST-1 2024-09-10
460.15-1 Human Factors Considerations in Commercial Human Space Flight

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance and an acceptable method, but not the only method, that may be used to account for human factors when crew must perform safety critical roles in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 460.15.

Active AST-1 2024-08-12
450.101-1B High Consequence Event Protection

This Advisory Circular (AC) describes a method to demonstrate compliance with the high consequence event protection requirements of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.101(c) and the requirements to evaluate the potential for high consequence events in uncontrolled areas in accordance with §§ 450.108(b) and 450.108(c)(4).

Active AST-1 2024-05-03
450.115-2 Describing Flight Safety Analysis Methods

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for documenting and submitting a description of the methods used in a Flight Safety Analysis (FSA) in accordance with title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.115(c).

Active AST-1 2024-09-20
450.108-1 Flight Abort Rule Development

This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance and a comprehensive method to demonstrate compliance with the requirements for the flight abort hazard control strategy in § 450.108, Flight Abort.

Active AST-1 2021-07-27
450.107-1 Hazard Control Strategies Determination

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for an applicant to determine its hazard control strategy or strategies in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 450.107(b).

Active AST-1 2021-07-27
450.123-1 Population Exposure Analysis

This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance and methods for performing a population exposure analysis in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 450.123.

Active AST-1 2022-10-12