Our Mission
The Acquisition and Fiscal Law Division (AGC-500) is a forward-thinking, progressive legal office that delivers solutions for its clients and the FAA enterprise. Our lawyers learn and understand the FAA’s ecosystem, spot tough issues, navigate clients to their goals, inspire creativity, exceed expectations, zealously represent Agency interests and equities, and deliver decision quality advice based on complete facts, law, and incisive analysis. We manage our resources with intent, take care of our people with deliberate kindness, and help achieve the FAA mission.
The Acquisition and Fiscal Law Division (AGC-500) is the government contract and acquisition law, fiscal law, and real property law office supporting the FAA’s delivery of a safe and efficient national airspace system for the United States and the world.
What does AGC-500 do?
The Acquisition and Fiscal Law Division provides legal advice regarding all aspects of contract formation and administration, including intellectual property, antitrust, bankruptcy, debarment, conflict of interest, real estate, mergers, security, export control, procurement integrity, property disposal, fiscal, and socio-economic laws affecting acquisitions. The Division zealously represents agency acquisition teams in the agency's internal dispute resolution process and represents the FAA with the Department of Justice in federal court litigation.
In addition to contract formation and administration, the Division provides legal advice on fiscal law matters and agreements, including cooperative agreements, reimbursable agreements, memorandums of agreements or understanding, grants (other than airport improvement grants), intra-agency and interagency agreements, and other agreements involving either the obligation of federal funds or reimbursement of funds to FAA.
Core Responsibilities
The Division participates in developing and updating the agency’s Acquisition Management System policy, provides advice and determinations on inherently governmental functions, and assists the agency on comparisons between using federal employees or the private sector to perform commercial activities. AGC-500 is also often required to provide legal advice related to matters that do not fall squarely within the purview of a particular AGC Division and our clients still require sound counsel.
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