Explanations and terminology/abbreviation tables corresponding to each column of the report are provided below.
Case Number
Beginning with the reports for calendar year 1999, the case number for each enforcement action will be listed in this column. The case number is the number of the enforcement investigative report for that enforcement action.
The name of the aviation entity is listed in this column. The entity ordinarily holds an FAA-issued certificate and, in those cases, the name in the column is the name of the certificate holder recorded in the FAA's official records.
Entity Type
The following are explanations of the abbreviation that are used in this column of the report:
abbreviations used in this column of the report:Abbreviation | Explanation |
A/C or COMM OPER | An air carrier or a commercial operator is an entity that engages in the carriage by aircraft of persons or property for compensation or hire. |
AGRI OPR | Agricultural Operator |
AIRCRAFT PROD | Aircraft Production |
AIRPORT OPERATOR | Airport Operator |
APPROVD REPAIR STA | Approved Repair Station |
CERTIFICATE SCHOOL | Certificated School |
COMP PROD | Component Production |
EXT LOAD | External Load Rotorcraft |
FOREIGN AIR CAR | Foreign air carrier |
TRAVEL CLUB | Travel club |
Date Known
The date a violation became known to the FAA is listed in this column.
The type of legal enforcement action taken is listed in this column. The following are explanations of theabbreviations used in this column of the report:
Abbreviation | Explanation |
CERTIFICATE SUSPENSION | Certificate Suspension under 49 U.S.C. § 44709 |
CERTIFICATE REVOCATION | Certificate revocation under 49 U.S.C. § 44709 |
CIVIL PENALTY | Civil Penalty Letter |
CONSENT ORDER | Consent Order |
CP COMPROMIS NO FINDING | Civil Penalty Compromise Order, No Findings of Violation |
ORD ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY | Order Assessing Civil Penalty |
ORD ASSESS CP HMT | Order Assessing Civil Penalty for a violation of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act or regulations |
Sanction Amount
This column contains the amount of dollars of a civil penalty or the number of days for a certificate suspension. The column is blank in the case of a certificate revocation or a certificate suspension of indefinite duration.
Sanction | Explanation |
"Consolidated Case" & "Master" | indicates that the case is one of a number of cases that were closed together. The sanction attributable to the case is part of the sanction amount listed with another, "master" case of the same certificate holder that was closed on the same date. The "master" case is listed above the case(s) labeled as consolidated. |
"Days" | indicates that the number in the Final Amount column reflects a certificate suspension for the specified number of days |
"Dollars" | indicates that the number in the Final Amount column reflects a civil penalty |
"Indefinite duration" | reflects that a certificate has been suspended indefinitely pending demonstration that the certificate holder meets the standards required to hold its certificate. |
"Revocation" | indicates certificate revocation |
"Sanction waived" | indicates that the FAA has agreed not to impose against the aviation entity the corresponding number of days or dollars in the Sanction Amount Column. In cases where some sanction is waived, the total amount of sanction against the aviation entity equals the amount of sanction waived plus the amount of sanction listed directly above it. |
Case Type
This column lists a category of violation or apparent violation that was primarily involved in the case. Following are explanations of the violation categories used in the report:
Category | Explanation |
AIRCRAFT ALTR | Aircraft Alterations |
ARPT OPN/INSP | Airport Operations/Self inspection |
ARPT SURF/SAFE | Airport Surfaces/Safety Areas |
CRASH/FIRE/RES | Crash, Fire, and Rescue |
DRUG TESTING | Drug Testing |
FLT OPNS | Flight operations |
HAZ AIR NAV | Hazard to Air Navigation |
HAZ PER/PROP | Hazardous to persons or property on the surface |
HAZ MAT | Hazardous Materials |
INTFR CREW | Interference with Crewmember |
MAINTENANCE | Maintenance |
MEDICAL | Medical |
NEAR MID-AIR | Near Mid-air |
NOISE | Noise |
OBSTRUCT/LGTNG | Obstructions/Lighting |
OTHER | Other |
QUAL CONTROL | Quality control |
RECORDS/RPTS | Records and reports |
TRNG-FLT CREW | Training, Flight Crew |
TRNG-OTHER | Training, other than flight crew |
TSO | Technical Standard Order |
TYPE DESGN DATA | Type Design Data |
The category "Other" could include violations such as a certificate holder's failure to surrender a certificate or an air carrier's allowing a person who appears to be intoxicated to board its aircraft. The field inspector has the discretion to determine the case type or category of the violation.
Closed Date
This column contains the date that final action was taken or, if a case went through the full appeals process, the date the decision was issued. The cases are listed in chronological order based on closing date from the beginning to end of a quarter.
Last updated: Monday, October 16, 2017