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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Data Communication Program (DataComm)

The Data Communications (Data Comm) program delivers air-to-ground data link infrastructure and applications that enable controllers and flight crews to exchange air traffic control information more efficiently than existing voice communications. Data Comm services enable the transmission of complex instructions that can be quickly and efficiently loaded into an aircraft’s flight management system upon review and acceptance by the pilots. Program benefits include reduced communication time between controllers and flight crews, improved NAS efficiency and capacity as a result of reduced delays and increased throughput, enhanced safety through the mitigation of errors that can occur over voice, and reduced environmental impacts as a result of less fuel burn and CO2 emissions. The Data Comm program is a NAC commitment and a key enabling capability for the evolution of the NAS towards NextGen.


Data Comm Coverage 

Data Comm CPDLC Service Availability

US Domestic En Route CPDLC 

US Domestic En Route CPDLC Participation List

All operators have the responsibility of knowing individual avionics capabilities and FAA domestic airspace datalink communications (CPDLC) requirements as documented in InFO 23008, published 10/03/2023. (

Operators meeting the requirements documented in InFO 23008 should reference the list below of acceptable avionics configurations for U.S. Domestic En Route CPDLC participation eligibility:

  1. Red - cannot participate; contact your Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for details.
  2. Yellow - participate; complete and submit participation form.
  3. Green - participate; complete and submit participation form.
  4. Not on list – cannot participate; contact your OEM and request to have your avionics configuration evaluated.

En-Route CPDLC Participation List

The En Route CPDLC Participation List will be updated regularly as operational data is reviewed and as new avionics configurations are evaluated.

US Domestic En Route CPDLC Participation Form

U.S. Domestic En Route CPDLC Guides

Technical Documents

All Information for Operators (InFOs)

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: The FAA has requested that all currently participating operators with aircraft using enroute CPDLC resubmit the FAA/L3Harris participation form by October 31, 2023. Are there any implications on the operators for missing this date?

Answer 1: No, there will be no immediate impact on operators that have not submitted a participation form by the October 31, 2023 date.

FAQ 2: The FAA has requested that all operators participating with aircraft using enroute CPDLC resubmit the FAA/L3Harris participation form. Is there a deadline to submit the form to FAA/L3Harris?

Answer 2: No, at this time, the FAA has not established a deadline to submit the form for existing operators. The FAA, however, is encouraging existing operators to resubmit their registration form as soon as possible to ensure that the FAA has a complete and up-to-date data set about participating aircraft.

FAQ 3: The FAA’s InFO 23008 says that operators should review the “FAA acceptable avionics list at the Data Comms Website” but I cannot find the avionics list. How can I access the FAA acceptable avionics list?

Answer 3: The FAA is in the process of finalizing the En Route CPDLC Participation List / acceptable avionics list. The acceptable avionics list will be on the FAA website in November 2023.

FAQ 4: My aircraft is equipped with CPDLC avionics. I was not part of the Enroute Services Trial and I am trying to determine if I can participate in En Route CPDLC services. What steps can I take?

Answer 4: The FAA has released an InFO that provides instructions about how to participate in En Route CPDLC services. Operators should review the InFO and register their aircraft by submitting the form to L3Harris at their earliest convenience.

FAQ 5: I have submitted a registration form to add an aircraft to my fleet. What are the next steps in starting to use En Route CPDLC services?

Answer 5: The FAA and L3Harris are prioritizing the processing of new registration forms to expand the eligible aircraft that can use En Route CPDLC services which will result in the FAA has sunsetting the NOTAM that has restricted use of En Route CPDLC services for certain operators. The NOTAM will be sunset in November 2023 (see FAQ 3).

FAQ 6: The FAAs website says that new participants should contact the FAA to conduct Interoperability Testing. I am new operator participant. What steps should I take to undertake the Interoperability Testing?

Answer 6: The Interoperability Testing is primary an activity conducted between the FAA and the aircraft manufacturer and / or avionics supplier. Most operators are not directly part of the Interoperability Testing process. You should contact your aircraft manufacturer or supplier to verify if your aircraft make/model configuration has conducted the Interoperability Testing and review the FAA CPDLC En Route Participation List / acceptable avionics list (see, FAQ3 for more information about the FAA acceptable avionics list).

FAQ 7: What is the difference between the L3Harris RAVe list and the FAA acceptable avionics list?

Answer 7: The FAA has incorporated the L3Harris RAVe List into the FAA En Route CPDLC Participation List / acceptable avionics list.

FAQ 8: I understand that the FAA acceptable avionics list will identify aircraft as Red, Yellow or Green. What are the implications from the aircraft make/model configuration that I am operating being identified as Yellow?

Answer 8: The designation of an aircraft as Yellow in the FAA En Route CPDLC Participation / acceptable avionics list means that the operation of the aircraft has no significant known issues that impact the use of CPDLC and/or that the FAA does not have enough operational data to determine performance. When sufficient operational data has been collected, the FAA may shift the aircraft into another category based on performance.

FAQ 9: After interoperability testing is completed, when will new configurations be added to the Participation List? 

Answer 9: When the FAA interoperability team performs testing, they are only able to verify the functionality of the FMS – not the other two components critical to CPDLC (CMU and radio).  The FMS has the application-level encoding/decoding rules for the message set and performs most of the CPDLC message processing.

Once the FMS passes interop testing, the FAA still doesn’t have a full configuration, including the CMU and radio, to add to the red/yellow/green list until we receive a participation form that lists the other applicable avionics components. 

When a participation form is received by L3Harris that is not currently on the list, the FAA checks the set of FMS’ that have completed interop testing.  If the FMS has completed interop testing, the entire configuration on the form is added to the Participation List (in yellow).

If operators are interested in which FMS’ have undergone interop testing, they should reach out to their OEMs, who are familiar with the testing that has taken place.

FAQ 10: I want to evaluate CPDLC functionality/performance by exchanging test messages in the operational NAS.  What is the FAA position for conducting such a test?

Answer 10: The operational NAS must not be used to test any CPDLC function.

Testing for Flight Management System (FMS) functionality may be conducted with the FAA Technical Center with the use of KUSB logon.  In this case, the FMS testing can be conducted with avionics test benches, or with real aircraft that are on the ground.

FAQ 11: Can I participate in En-Route CPDLC with avionics not listed on the En Route CPDLC Participation List, exchanging CPDLC messages in the operational NAS? 

Answer 11: Aircraft which carry avionics configurations that are not listed as either ‘Green’ or ‘Yellow’ in the En-Route CPDLC Participation List may not file for or use domestic En-Route CPDLC in the operational NAS. Refer to Info 23008, published 10/3/2023, which describes the process for En-Route CPDLC participation.


Operational Focus Area: CPDLC Uplink/Downlink Message Set

 Operational Focus Area: CPDLC Uplink/Downlink Message Set


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