FAA Electronic Reading Room


In accordance with 5 USC 552(a)(2), the following four categories of records (“Reading Room” records) are available without the need for a FOIA request. Only Reading Room records created on or after November 1, 1996 must be made available electronically, and we make them available here.

Reading Room

Our Electronic Reading Room does not include records published in the Federal Register or regulations published in the Code of Federal Regulations, but those and other non-reading room records may be found on other FAA Web sites (including some of the sites that are linked to from this Electronic Reading Room).

Category 1: Final Opinions/Orders in Adjudicated Cases

Category 2: Policy Statements/Interpretations

Category 3: Manuals/Instructions to Staff Affecting the Public

Category 4: Records Frequently Requested under FOIA

Access to Non-Digital Records

Other Reading Room records maintained by FAA can be accessed from the DOT Dockets Office.

DOT Dockets Office
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Room W12-140
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: (202) 366-9322 or (202) 366-9826
Toll-Free: (800) 647-5527

Hours of Operation: 9:00-5:00 ET, Monday-Friday, except Federal holidays

A computer terminal and printer are available at this location for accessing Electronic Reading Room records.

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025