New Safety Data Tool Available on Website
WASHINGTON – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is making it easier to research aviation safety guidance material from the Office of Aviation Safety (AVS).
The Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS) combines more than 65 document types from more than a dozen different repositories into a single searchable application. This comprehensive knowledge center centralizes the FAA’s aviation safety guidance material from the Flight Standards Information System (FSIMS) and the agency’s Regulatory Guidance System (RGL).
Each guidance document includes a link to the Code of Federal Regulations provision on which the document is based. DRS contains more than 2 million regulatory guidance documents, which can be browsed or searched. A search engine allows for basic or advanced searches and different ways to sort and view the results. The system includes pending and current versions of all documents along with their revision history. Information in the DRS is updated every 24 hours.
The DRS exceeds the requirements of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-254), to establish a centralized safety database. DRS is constantly evolving, and in the future will provide even more features, functionality and document types. It will allow the agency to eventually sunset legacy systems such as FSIMS and RGL. Subject matter experts across the global aviation community collaborated on this project.
The tool represents a giant step forward in providing consistency and standardization of regulatory interpretation by expediting research of aviation regulations and related documents. In the past, complex research projects could sometimes take days. DRS has consolidated all of this information so projects can be completed in minutes.