This site provides information that relates to civilian and military spatial disorientation and aerospace medicine, physiology, and human factors. These files were previously available through a United State Air Force (USAF) Web site hosted by Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The USAF provided the files to the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) so that, combined with CAMI's spatial disorientation and aerospace medicine archives, the information would be available to the public.
The files are presented as were originally organized. We invite readers to contribute material to this archive; please contact the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute.
Current Organization Scheme
- Human Factors and Medicine Panel
- Mechanism Studies
- Mishap Studies
- Multi-Sensory Integration
- Primary Flight Displays
- Remotely Operated Aircraft
- Spatial Disorientation and Advanced Technology
- Spatial Disorientation Training
- Spatial Disorientation Videos
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