135 Flight Operations Section
The Part 135 Air Carrier Operations Branch is responsible for the development and maintenance of policy and guidance related to certification and operations conducted under 14 CFR Part 135. This includes fixed wing, powered lift and rotary wing aircraft conducting part 135 commuter, on-demand, and cargo operations. The Part 135 Air Carrier Operations Branch is also responsible for policy and guidance related to air ambulance and all commercial Part 91 and Part 135 air tour operations. A synopsis of the Part 135 community can be obtained from the Study of Operators Regulated Under Part 135.
Part 135 Air Carrier Operations
This branch develops and maintains Operations Specifications (OpSpecs) along with the associated policy and guidance materials that enable the wide-ranging types of operations conducted under part 135. Additionally, this branch is responsible for regulations, exemptions, deviations and policy interpretations for part 135 operations. This includes Management Deviations which utilize the Experience Rating Work (ERW) Sheets which are provided below as an aid:
- Experience Rating Worksheet - Chief Pilot-135 (MS Excel)
- Experience Rating Worksheet - Director of Operations 135 (MS Excel)
NOTE: The Part 135 Air Carrier Operations Branch does not develop policy and guidance related to training and checking of airmen for part 135; this falls under the purview of the Air Carrier Training Systems and Voluntary Safety Programs Branch.
Helicopter Air Ambulance (HAA)
[formerly Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)]
The Part 135 Air Carrier Operations Branch is the designated lead for the Helicopter Air Ambulance Focus Team (HAAFT) which is responsible for ongoing refinement of guidance and continued support for the implementation of the Helicopter Air Ambulance, Commercial Helicopter, and Part 91 Helicopter Operations Rule, which includes the addition of Subpart L to 14 CFR 135.
A mandatory report is now required to be submitted by all HAA operators. The Helicopter Air Ambulance Mandatory Flight Information Report must be submitted within the 30 day period following the end of the reporting period. The reporting period will be the calendar year beginning January 1st and ending December 31st of the same year, unless otherwise specified by your Principal Inspector.
HAA Flight Operations Reporting Template (MS Excel)
Air Tour Operations
The Part 135 Air Carrier Operations Branch is also responsible for development of policy and guidance for all commercial air tour operations (both part 91 and part 135). This includes commercial air tours conducted over, or within ½ nautical mile, and below 5,000’ AGL, of a National Park Service (NPS) unit or abutting Tribal Land within the United States. Additionally, this oversight extends to include all air tours below 1500’ above the surface in the state of Hawaii.
Federal Aviation Administration
135 Air Carrier Operations Branch
Room # 831
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
Washington, DC 20591
Phone: (202) 267-8166
Fax: (202) 267-5229
Email: 9-AFS-200-Correspondence@faa.gov
Last updated: Monday, October 30, 2023