Aircraft Maintenance Division

Commercial Aviation Group

Focal point for the development of regulations and standardizing national guidance for maintenance under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) parts 91 subpart K (91K), 119, 121, 125, 135 and 136.


  • Sponsor and provide oversight of safety and educational programs related to its area of specialization for aging aircraft regulations.
  • Evaluate and respond to airworthiness petitions for exemption and rulemaking for parts 91K, 119, 121, 125, 135 and 136, as related to group/section functions.
  • Provide technical assistance to other FAA elements, other government agencies, industry, and Foreign Aviation Authorities on operational and technical facets of air carrier maintenance.
  • Sponsor and provide oversight of safety and educational programs related to its area of specialization for air carrier aircraft, including determining the criteria for maintenance training for Aviation Safety Inspectors (ASI).
  • Represent Aircraft Maintenance Division in the development of airworthiness international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
  • Responsible for policy relating to the Service Difficulty Reporting (SDR) and Mechanical Interruption Summary (MIS) reporting, as related to parts 119, 121, 125, and 135 carriers.
  • Development of maintenance standards for certification and surveillance of Advance Air Mobility (AAM), Urban Air Mobility (UAM). 
  • Provide technical assistance and support for 14 CFR Parts 43, 91, 91K, 119, 121, 125, 135, and 136.
  • Aircraft Maintenance Division focal for:
    • Operations Specifications Working Groups (OSWG).
    • Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (C.A.S.E.).
    •  Air Carrier Maintenance Voluntary Safety Reporting Programs (ASAP/VSRP) 
    • Joint Implementation Measurement and Data Analysis Team (JIMDAT).
    • Airworthiness Extended Operations (ETOPS).
    • Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP).
    • Aging Aircraft Inspection Program.
    • Service Difficulty Reporting (SDR) policy.
    • Flight Standards’ accounts
    • Nondestructive testing (NDT)/Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
    • Aircraft Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) Industry Group (IG)

Repair Station Section (AFS-340RS)

Responsible for the development of regulations, national directives, policy and advisory material governing the certification, inspection, and surveillance of FAA-certificated part 145 repair stations; implement and oversee the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) Maintenance Implementation Procedure (MIP) agreements with foreign Aviation Authorities; coordinate with International Program Division.


  • Develop, evaluate, and implement all standards and program policies regarding FAA-certificated repair stations.
  • Implement and oversee the BASA and MIP agreements with foreign Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) and prioritize Aviation Authorities requesting consideration.
  • Serve as the contact office between the FAA and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for issues with FAA-certificated repair stations outside the United States.
  • Coordinate division policy that impacts FAA-certificated repair station surveillance and data gathering with the Flight Standards National Field Office.
  • Provide technical assistance and guidance concerning FAA-certificated repair stations to other elements of the FAA, other government agencies, and national and international industry organizations.
  • Evaluate and recommend grant or denial of petitions for exemption to 14 CFR part 145.
  • Initiate rulemaking for part 145 and participate in other rulemaking that may impact FAA-certificated repair stations.
  • Sponsor FAA technical training related to repair stations and coordinates with the Workforce Development Division to ensure course currency.
  • Coordinate division policy concerning FAA-certificated repair stations outside the United States with International Program Division.

Federal Aviation Administration Headquarters
Aircraft Maintenance Division 
AFS-300, 8th floor
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591

AFS-300 Correspondence email:

For questions about the MIPs or the MAGs: 

When submitting an email, please include contact information such as name, organization, and phone number.


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