Community Engagement — Denver

Status of Engagement: Completed October 2020
The FAA has completed a redesign of airspace, introducing new Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures, and making use of Time Based Flow Management (TBFM) to make the Denver Metroplex airspace more efficient with improved access to its airports. Airports in the focus area include Denver International Airport, Centennial Airport, Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport, Northern Colorado Regional Airport, Colorado Air and Space Port Airport, Greeley-Weld County Airport and Vance Brand Municipal Airport.

Denver 2019 Public Workshop Display Boards

Denver 2017 Public Workshop Display Boards

Supplemental Materials

Projected Annual Benefits

Source: FAA Post-implementation Analysis

Value of Fuel Savings
$1.513 to $7.632 Million
Fuel Savings*
2019 .8 to 2.7 Million Gallons
2020-2021 .5 to 1.7 Million Gallons
Carbon Savings
4.5-22.8 Thousand Metric Tons

*This post-implementation analysis compared DEN airport operations before and after the Metroplex project implementation in 2020, using data from 2019 before implementation and data from 2020 after implementation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic-related impacts on operations, the analysis was conducted using various statistical methodologies and two sets of annualized flight counts to produces ranges of expected impacts. The primary driver of the fuel consumption benefit is the reduction in distance flown for departures. The fuel savings value is more than predicted by the Study and Design & Implementation teams. Analysis of voice data also showed a workload benefit from a slight reduction in the number of arrival clearances after the implementation. Fuel costs are estimated at a standard cost of $2.85 per gallon.

Last updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021