This page contains the 28 Day NASR Subscription data effective September 07, 2023.
The following data are formatted in either AIXM 5.0 or AIXM 5.1.
- AIXM 5.1 versions of the Navigation Aid, Airport, ASOS/AWOS, and Airway subscriber files are available. Download
- AIXM 5.0 versions of Special Activity Airspace (SAA) subscriber files are available. Download
Shape File Data
The following class airspace definitions are provided in ESRI Shape format.
Comma-separated Values (CSV) Data
Airport, frequency, and other aeronautical data is provided in a CSV file format.
- Data in CSV format all CSV files and the README document.
- Indiviual CSV groups
- Airports and Other Landing Facilities (APT)
- Air Traffic Control Communication (ATC)
- Airway (AWY)
- Class Airspace (CLS_ARSP)
- Coded Departure Routes (CDR)
- Communication Facilities (COM)
- Departure Procedure (DP)
- Fix/Reporting Point/Waypoint (FIX)
- Flight Service Stations (FSS)
- Frequency Data (FRQ)
- Holding Patterns (HPF)
- Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)
- Military Operations (MIL_OPS)
- Navigation Aids (NAV)
- Preferred Route / Tower Enroute Control (TEC) Routes (PFR)
- RADAR Data (RDR)
- Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR)
- Weather Reporting Locations (WXL)
Legacy (TXT) Data
The following data are formatted in a flat text file format.
- Airports and Other Landing Facilities (APT)
- ARTCC Boundary Descriptions (ARB)
- ARTCC Facilities (AFF)
- ATC Tower and Satellite Airport Communications (TWR)
- ATS Non-Regulatory Airways (ATS)
- Coded Departure Routes (CDRs) (CDR)
- Country Codes
- Fix/Reporting Point/Waypoint (FIX)
- Flight Service Station Communications Facilities (COM)
- Flight Service Stations (FSS)
- Holding Patterns (HPF)
- Instrument Landing Systems (ILS/MLS) (ILS)
- Location Identifiers (LID)
- Miscellaneous Activity Area (MAA)
- Military Training Routes (MTR)
- Navigation Aids (NAV)
- Parachute Jump Area (PJA)
- Preferred Route / Tower Enroute Control (TEC) Routes (PFR)
- Regulatory Airways (AWY)
- Standard Terminal Arrival / Standard Instrument Departure (Complete Set) (STARDP)
- State Codes
- Weather Reporting Locations (WXL)
The layout data for the Legacy (TXT) formats are available as a single download, or individually.
- Layout Data for Airports and Other Landing Facilities (APT)
- Layout Data for ARTCC Boundary Descriptions (ARB)
- Layout Data for ARTCC Facilities (AFF)
- Layout Data for ASOS/AWOS (AWOS)
- Layout Data for ATC Tower and Satellite Airport Communications (TWR)
- Layout Data for ATS Non-Regulatory Airways (ATS)
- Layout Data for Coded Departure Routes (CDRs) (CDR)
- Layout Data for Fix/Reporting Point/Waypoint (FIX)
- Layout Data for Flight Service Station Communications Facilities (COM)
- Layout Data for Flight Service Stations (FSS)
- Layout Data for Holding Patterns (HPF)
- Layout Data for Instrument Landing Systems (ILS/MLS) (ILS)
- Layout Data for Location Identifiers (LID)
- Layout Data for Miscellaneous Activity Area (MAA)
- Layout Data for Military Training Routes (MTR)
- Layout Data for Navigation Aids (NAV)
- Layout Data for Parachute Jump Area (PJA)
- Layout Data for Preferred Route / Tower Enroute Control (TEC) Routes (PFR)
- Layout Data for Regulatory Airways (AWY)
- Layout Data for Standard Terminal Arrival / Standard Instrument Departure (Complete Set) (STARDP)
- Layout Data for Weather Reporting Locations (WXL)