The Coded Instrument Flight Procedures (CIFP) is a dataset modeled to the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC) Navigation System Data Base (NDB) international standard (ARINC 424). The CIFP data can be used to support both En route and Terminal GPS navigation. Currently, ARINC 424 version 18 is provided. Version 18 supports WAAS RNAV (GPS) Approaches. The CIFP is raw ARINC data. It will require additional processing before it can be loaded into an avionics system. See the CIFP Readme File (PDF) for additional information.
The CIFP is updated every 28 days and is available to customers via internet download. Please see CIFP for more information.
* Note: When downloading large files, it is best to download one file at a time using a broadband internet connection during off-peak hours.
Data elements included are: Airports and Heliports, Runways, VHF, NDB and ILS Navigation Aids, Waypoints (Terminal and Enroute), Airways, Off Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude (OROCA) records, Departure Procedures (DPs), Standard Terminal Arrival Procedures (STARs), Special Use Airspace (SUAs) and Class B, C, and D Airspace. Also included are GPS, RNAV (GPS), RNAV (RNP), VOR, NDB, ILS, LOC, LDA and SDF Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) with their associated Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) data.
A data dictionary is not supplied with the CIFP dataset. For detailed ARINC 424 format specifications, contact ARINC to purchase a copy of the specification.