ADS-B Compliance and Enforcement for Foreign Operators
- After January 1, 2020, all aircraft operating in the airspace identified in 14 CFR §91.225 must comply with the ADS-B Out equipage and performance requirements.
- Although the FAA will still provide air traffic services to non-equipped aircraft to ensure safety in the NAS, the FAA will take enforcement action as appropriate and consistent with the FAA's legal authority and publicly available guidance set forth in the FAA's Compliance and Enforcement Program, Order 2150.3C, chapter 5. General guidance applicable to FAA sanction determinations is in FAA Order 2150.3C, chapter 9. These activities will include post-flight analyses and collection of necessary information regarding aircraft equipment compliance and operator intent.
- All Foreign State Aircraft and/or operators associated with Department of Defense missions should contact their respective offices for further information on handling.
- Foreign State Aircraft not associated with Department of Defense should coordinate with Department of State through the normal diplomatic clearance process.
- Representatives of operators wishing to discuss concerns about ADS–B compliance should contact their FAA Certificate Holding District Office (including Certificate Management Office, International Field Office, and Flight Standards District Office, as appropriate).
- General questions about ADS–B policy should be referred to
Last updated: Friday, April 15, 2022