Document Information
- Number
- 150/5300-13A
- Title
- Airport Design
- Date cancelled
- 2022-03-31
- Cancelled by
- 150/5300-13B
- Cancellation notes
- Superseded
- Date issued
- 2012-09-28
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AAS-100, Office of Airport Safety & Standards - Airport Engineering Division
- Description
Contains the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) standards and recommendations for the geometric layout and engineering design of runways, taxiways, aprons, and other facilities at civil airports.This substantial revision fully incorporates all previous changes to AC 150/5300-13 as well as new standards and technical requirements.
See also Interim Guidance on Land Uses Within a Runway Protection Zone.
- Content
150/5300-13A (Consolidated to include Change 1) (PDF)
If you have trouble printing the document, go to the "attachments" tab (paperclip), open the attachment, and print.
- Errata Sheet for AC 150/5300-13A (Consolidated) (Updated 7/24/2019) (PDF)
150/5300-13A (Consolidated to include Change 1) (PDF)
- Changes
Changes Change Title Date 1 150/5300-13A - Change 1
This change replaces Runway Reference Code (RRC) with new Approach and Departure Reference Code (APRC and DPRC) designations; expands Taxiway Fillet information and adds a new Appendix 8, Taxiway Fillet Design; adjusts TDG limits, with associated changes to fillet dimensions; moves Figure 4-1 to Chapter 1; combines Tables 3-4 and 3-5 to form Standards for Instrument Approach Procedures; incorporates minor editorial corrections; adds a Record of Changes at the end of the AC; and incorporates revisions describes in the Errata Sheet for the original release.