Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of 1996 requires Federal Agencies to comply with small entity requests for information or advice about compliance with statutes and regulations within our jurisdiction, including interpretation and application of the law to specific sets of facts supplied.
The Rights of Small Entities To Enforcement Fairness and Policy Against Retaliation
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a policy regarding the rights of small entities to regulatory enforcement fairness and an explicit policy against retaliation for exercising these rights. Our operating administrations have circulated this information to their regulated entities through several means, which may include their Internet websites, rulemaking documents, inspection handouts, guidance materials, pamphlets, and information materials disseminated to trade associations. DOT's policies on enforcement fairness and prohibition on retaliation are available at
Your Rights to Enforcement Fairness
Our objective is to ensure a fair regulatory enforcement environment. If you feel you have been treated unfairly or unprofessionally, you may contact the specific agency's representative. You also have a right to contact the Small Business Administration's National Ombudsman at 1-888-REGFAIR or regarding the fairness of the compliance and enforcement activities of this agency.
Policy Against Retaliation
The Department of Transportation strictly forbids retaliatory acts by its employees. As such, you should feel confident that you will not be penalized for expressing your concerns about compliance and enforcement activities.