Performance Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC)

The PARC provides a forum for the United States (U.S.) aviation community to discuss, prioritize, and resolve issues, provide direction for U.S. flight operations criteria and produce U.S. consensus positions for global harmonization. PARC input was invaluable in the drafting of the Roadmap for Performance-Based Navigation as well as the PBN NAS Navigation Strategy, and they have helped update numerous FAA regulatory documents. They continue to provide guidance and recommendations to help the FAA transition to a performance-based National Airspace System.

Brief History of the PARC

  • Sponsored by AVS, the TAOARC was formed as a forum for the Aviation Industry to have their voices heard, November 2001
  • Membership reduced and transitioned to the PARC with FAA Order 1110.139, February 2004
  • The PARC charter was renewed in March 2006 and 2008, June 2010, 2014, 2018, and most recently in May 2022 for four years

Chair: Ronald Renk, United Airlines
FAA Co-Chair: Chris Hope, Manager, Flight Technologies and Procedures Division

PARC Charter (PDF)

PARC Products

Questions about the PARC, email Heather Mehler.

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