Performance Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC)
PARC Products
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
The PARC GDAT recommendations will help the FAA and Aviation Community ensure the safe and efficient continuity/recovery of aircraft operations during a GPS disruption event. These recommendations would improve the timely exchange of information via voice/data between Air Traffic Control and pilots. They will also harmonize the alignment of FAA, DOT, Interagency, and industry responses when encountering a GPS disruption event. | Open | ||
20240613 EoR AIM and Concepts Initial Response Letter (PDF) 20240613 PCPSI EoR AIM and Concepts Working Group Recommendations (PDF) |
The recommendation involves a change to AIM 5-4-13 Simultaneous Approaches to Parallel Runways, specifically to Figure 5-4-20 and the body of AIM 5-4-13. The recommended change to Figure 5-4-20 will result in an image that represents the complexity of simultaneous operations today. The recommended change to the body of the AIM Section 5-4-13 will result in a more detailed description of what the pilot can expect with respect to simultaneous approaches and the environment they fly in, while removing information contained elsewhere in the AIM. | Open |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
20231205 RNP AR APCH Initial Response Letter |
The PARC recommends the FAA look to expand the capabilities of the Default RNP AR APCH missed approach to provide a seamless connection from the harmonized OCS to the missed approach segment. | Open | |
20231128 PARC Steering Group Recommendation LNAV RNAV ILS Outage Report 20231128 LNAV RNAV ILS Outage Initial Response Letter |
This recommendation would authorize aircraft to fly widely spaced non-PRM simultaneous instrument approaches to LNAV Only line of minima when the same runway's ILS or ILS glideslope is out of service for a maximum of 30 days without a waiver. This would align with the current authorization to fly LOC only simultaneous instrument approaches when the ILS glideslope is out of service. | Closed | |
20230804 CSMM PARC PCPSI Report 20230804 PARC CSMM Recommendation Letter |
The PARC PCPSI (Pilot-Controller Procedures and Systems Integration) working group reviewed Call Sign Mismatches (CSMMs) and their impact on NAS safety and efficiency. A CSMM occurs anytime the ADS-B Flight ID (one of the required 19 pieces of information transmitted by ADS-B Out) does not exactly match the aircraft ID on the flight plan. The recommendations include changes to FAA policy and procedures, improved industry engagements, and CSMM tracking and reporting. |
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These set of recommendations are to improve pilot and controller communication on standard instrument arrival and departure procedures. The recommendations include improving runway connection procedures to single and multiple airports. | Closed | ||
20230804 Baro-VNAV Not Authorized on RNAV (GPS) Approaches Recommendations |
The PARC NAV WG recommends the FAA stop applying Precipitous Terrain to final approach segments that publish LNAV/VNAV lines of minima. This will return approaches with lateral and vertical guidance to the runway threshold for runways that do not have ILS (or ILS is OTS) and the aircraft is not equipped for RNP AR. Furthermore, the WG recommends removing the penalty for Precipitous Terrain for other lines of minima taking a 10% penalty. | Open |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
220225 ILS GLS LPV Hot Temp Intermediate Segment Initial Response Letter
220225 PARC ILS GLS LPV Hot Temp Intermediate Segment Incoming Letter and Report
The Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) Navigation Working Group recommends the FAA update the Appendix C. “PBN Transition to ILS/GLS/LPV Final” language in FAA Order 8260.58 to better protect pilots coming from downwind to a short Final Approach Segment (FAS), ensuring that aircraft “capture” the geometric glideslope or glidepath from below, without the need to update the procedures with lower altitudes that adversely affect the communities at the airports these approaches serve. | Open | |
220309 EOR Criteria Phraseology Harmonization Initial Response Letter
220309 EOR Criteria Phraseology Harmonization Incoming Letter and Report
The Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) Navigation Work Group (NAV WG) recommended the FAA amend the criteria for EoR to remove the requirement to have a unique path for at least 50 seconds prior to crossing the first Final Approach Course (FAC). The PARC Pilot-Controller Procedures and Systems Integration Work Group (PCPSI WG) provided the FAA with the report of the PCPSI Phraseology subgroup recommendations on how the U.S. might better align with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phraseology used for “Climb Via” and “Descend Via” |
Open | |
220721 PARC Obstacle Accuracy Standards & IFP Obstacle Evaluation Incoming Letter and Report 220721 Obstacle Accuracy Standards & IFP Obstacle Evaluation Initial Response Letter 220721 Obstacle Accuracy Standards & IFP Obstacle Evaluation Final Response Letter |
RECOMMENDATION 1: The FAA should standardize the survey requirements for the height and location of aeronautical obstacles across all lines of business.
RECOMMENDATION 2: After standardizing the aeronautical survey standards and requirements, the FAA should standardize the procedure design criteria application of identified obstacles across all different types of procedures. |
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20221013 PARC RF Construction on RNP APCH with Extended Visual Segment Incoming Letter and Report 20221013 RF Construction on RNP APCH with Extended Visual Segment Initial Response Letter 20221013 RF Construction on RNP APCH with Extended Visual Segment Final Response Letter |
Combining the RNP APCH operations that include an Extended Visual Segment with the RF/TF concurrent operations would allow for maximum participation with the TF version but also allow the increased safety afforded by those that invested in RF capability. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
210203 Standards for Implementation of RNP Procedures with Extended Visual Segment Action Plan |
The PARC Navigation Work Group (NAV WG) recommended criteria changes to normalize the construction and use of RNP Approaches (RNP APCH) with extended visual segments. The RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 13L procedure at JFK International airport is this type of approach and was an excellent benchmark to conduct an analysis and develop standards for these procedure designs which will enhance efficiencies and safety by providing continued lateral and vertical guidance in the visual segment of the RNP APCH procedure. |
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210203 Recommended Changes for use of DME Fixes in RNAV Procedures Final Response Letter (PDF) 210203 PARC Recommended Changes for use of DME Fixes in RNAV Procedures Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) |
The PARC Navigation Work Group (NAV WG) recently completed a review and analysis of issues that have arisen when a VORTAC and VOR/DME is decommissioned, and a stand-alone DME facility remains at the same geographic location. Some inconsistencies in the process have led to confusion for flight crews and in some instances extends to communication confusion between flight crews and ATC. | Closed | |
210618 PARC Exemption 12555 Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) |
The PARC Exemption No. 12555 Action Team recently completed their final report out on the status of operators that are part of this exemption. Based on the assessment of GPS receivers that are currently used by operators (and new ones being manufactured and developed) to satisfy the ADS-B Out performance requirements in meeting the FAA's requirements in 14 CFR Section 91.227; the PARC 12555 Action Team present their Findings and Recommendations. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
200229 PARC RF/TF Concurrent Ops Methodology Validation Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) 200229 RF/TF Concurrent Ops Methodology Validation Final Response Letter (PDF)
The PARC Navigation Work Group (NAV WG) recently completed an analysis for conducting instrument approach procedures (IAPs) using two separate RNAV procedures that are constructed using radius-to-fix (RF) legs or track-to-fix (TF) legs respectively, and flying those procedures to the same runway end concurrently. The analysis provided is the result of tasking requested by the NextGen Integration Work Group (NIWG). The NIWG is a working group which reports to the NextGen Advisory Subcommittee (NACSC). | Closed | |
200615 PARC Removal of 2 NM FROP to FAF Requirements Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | The PARC Navigation Work Group (NAV WG) recently completed an analysis of design criteria for RNAV approaches that use an RF leg to join the final course. Currently the criteria requires a 2NM straight segment prior to the PFAF. These criteria should be aligned with the existing criteria for RNAV to xLS in FAA Order 8260.58A Appendix C. | Revise Order 8260.58 policy for RF legs that join final segment by eliminating requirement from 2NM straight segment prior to the PFAF. Coordinate with Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) Service providers to integrate change into IFP design software. Directive change targeted for coordinated software release/FAA implementation date. | Open |
Recommendation for STAR speeds change (PDF) | Current procedure design criteria sets the minimum speed for design at 250 KT above 10,000 MSL for Category C and D aircraft on a STAR. This limits design options especially at high altitude airports like KDEN. The recommendation changes that to match holding airspeeds between 6000 and 14000 MSL fixing the minimum at 210 KTs. This will avoid many waivers that are routinely granted for STARs at higher elevation airports. |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
190709 Changes to Support RF/TF Concurrent Ops Report (PDF) | This recommendations proposes a change to ARINC 424 to allow use of TF leg-based overlays of RF legs tocode a curved path in a single procedure. The recommendation also corrects and makes consistent the notes section for table 5.9. | Closed | |
190204 PARC RNP AR OCS Transition Harmonization Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for the FAA to harmonize the RNP AR procedure design criteria’s vertical OCS and the height loss assumptions with the current RNP APCH LNAV/VNAV Missed Approach Segment (MAS) design criteria | 190204 RNP AR OCS Transition Harmonization Initial Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) | Open |
190304 PARC STAR Bottom vs IAF Altitudes Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for possible solutions that would properly sequence the waypoints and correctly compute the descent profile during STAR IAP procedures | 190304 STAR Bottom vs IAF Altitudes Final Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
180321 PARC Removal of 50-Second Rule from AR Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for a shorter minimum straight segment from 50 to 15 seconds | 180321 Removal of 50-Second Rule from AR Final Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) | Closed |
180321 PARC A-RNP Multiple Intermediate Segments Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) 180321 Multiple Intermediate Segments Amendment Initial Response Letter (PDF) |
The PARC recommends that the FAA revise criteria to allow the use of multiple intermediate fixes (segments) in IAPs requiring the A-RNP NavSpec in the same manner as implemented for RNP AR (down to RNP 0.3) |
180321 A-RNP Multiple Intermediate Segments Initial Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) | Open |
180321 PARC Reduce OEA Width for A-RNP Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) |
PARC provided recommendations for an alignment of the design criteria for A-RNP and RNP AR OEA | 180321 Reduce OEA Width for A-RNP Final Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) Complete. Incorporated in FAAO 8260.58A Chg 2 | Closed |
181108 PARC Reduce OEA Width for A-RNP Amendment Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC sent an amendment clarifying the application of 2xRNP OEA to IAPs requiring A-RNP applies to all segments including the final | Open | |
180328 PARC Response to AVS-1 VNAV Tasking (PDF) | The PARC responded to the FAA tasking that was sent to the PARC October 17, 2017 (PDF) | Closed | |
180514 PARC SATVOICE Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) 180514 SATVOICE Initial Response Letter (PDF) |
PARC provided recommendations for satellite voice as a supplemental or alternative technology to high frequency voice communications | Open | |
180703 PARC FANS 1/A over SwiftBroadband Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | After two and a half years of analysis, PARC provided three recommendations that support SwiftBroadband as a viable medium for FANS 1/A operations | FAA accepted and agreed with the 3 recommendations. 190318 FANS 1/A over SBB FAA Response Letter (PDF) |
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180705 PARC RF/TF Concurrent Operations Recommendations (PDF) |
PARC provided three options of Radius-to-Fix and Track-to-Fix concurrent operations procedures with examples of each | 180928 RF/TF Response Letter (PDF) Concept not pursued. | Closed |
180723 PARC Maximum Bank Angle Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for increasing the maximum bank angle during RF turns from 20 to 25 degrees | FAA will update 8260.58A to allow for 25 degree maximum bank angle 180723 Maximum Bank Angle Final Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) |
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180723 PARC Intermediate Segment Length Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for an amendment to 8260.58A to allow for a broader consideration of intermediate segment length that will result in better designs and incent use of RNAV procedures with this design at more location | FAA will update 8260.58A to allow for longer than 15NM intermediate segments in certain conditions 180723 Intermediate Segment Length Final Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) |
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Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
170424 PARC RNP to GLS and RNP to LPV Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for changes to 8260.58A Appendix C criteria and AC 20-138C based on testing and survey results | 170424 RNP to GLS and RNP to LPV Final Response Letter (PDF) | Closed |
171019 PARC Obstacle Departure Procedure Incoming Letter and Report (PDF) 171019 Obstacle Departure Procedure Final Response Letter (PDF) |
PARC provided three recommendations to address the inequities of the use of phraseology pertaining to clearances relative to Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP) and Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
160422 PARC MagVar VOR Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations to revise the VOR MagVar tolerance for en route operations. | 160727 MagVar VOR Response Letter (PDF) | Closed |
160518 PARC non-VDL Mode 2 Performance-Based CPDLC Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations that state the FAA should support using non-VDL Mode 2 media for en route Data Comm in the United States while referencing a performance-based approach | 170619 non-VDL Mode 2 FAA Response Letter (PDF) Completed. See AC 90-117 | Closed |
161130 PARC RF Non-Display Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for conditions that must be met for an aircraft that cannot compute or display the track for an RF leg to operate at Navigation Service Group (NSG) 1 or NSG 2 airports as defined in the PBN Strategy | 170613 RF Non-Display FAA Response Letter (PDF) | Closed |
161201 PARC Precipitous Terrain Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for precipitous terrain criteria related to performance-based operations | 170613 PT FAA Response Letter (PDF) Recs 1&2 incorporated in FAAO 8260.58 Ch1. Recs 3&4 - no action | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
150303 PARC PBN "Open SID" Guidance for Implementation and Use Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for the use and implementation of "Open SID" and when it should not be used in airspace design. | Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
150423 PARC PBN Charting Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided 3 recommendations for changes to the language and content of PBN approach procedures to allow for the continued evolution of charting. | Recommendations 1, 2 &3 Completed. See FAAO 8260.19 and 8260.46. Charting updates occur with regular review cycles | Closed |
150619 PARC STAR/IAP Common Point Recommendations (PDF) | The recommendations support all 3 items related to the STAR – IAP connection that were presented in draft form from AFS-420 with 1 exception. | 150925 FAA Response and Action Plan (PDF) Action Plan Completed, Incorporated into FAA Orders: 8260.19G, 8260.58A, and 8260.3C. Item 1 requires a waiver | Closed |
150619 PARC RNP AR Cold Temp Effect on Intermediate Segment Recommendations (PDF) | The recommendations discuss the issues associated Vertical Error Budget (VEB) Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) application in lieu of standard ROC in the intermediate segment and proposes deletion of this requirement from RNP AR Design Criteria. | 150925 FAA Response and Action Plan (PDF) Action Plan completed. Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
151005 PARC RNP to ILS TF/RF Design and Operational Guidance Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations that address design and operational issues for procedures using Radius to Fix (RF) and Track to Fix (TF) legs | Being incorporated into multiple documents 171016 FAA Response (PDF) Changes was incorporated into multiple documents and is now completed. |
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Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
PARC provided a GPS Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Implementation Plan for key airports provides business case, aircraft equipage forecast, funding options and future Research and Development. | GBAS discussion is closed in PARC and is now working in other forms. | Closed | |
140828 PARC Historical Winds Recommendations (PDF) | PARC recommended draft criteria for updates to Order 8260.58 in 2015. | Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
140828 PARC Open SID Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for design criteria for "Open SID" concept and a description of how to deal with local winds in design criteria. | Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
140828 PARC RNP to xLS Recommendations (PDF) | PARC developed design criteria for RNAV/RNP intermediate segment to join an ILS, GLS, or final approach. | Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
140908 PARC OPD Design Guidelines Recommendations (PDF) | PARC developed recommendations for design consideration for Optimal Profile Descent Procedures to maximize the safety and efficiency of arrival traffic flows. | 150114 FAA Response and Action Plan (PDF) The Action Plan was Completed. Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.3C |
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140916 PARC Vectors to RNP Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided the report to modify vectors to RNP Approaches that will simplify clearances, reduce congestion, and provide more direct routing. The effort requires additional procedure design work. | Incorporated into FAA Order 8260.58A | Closed |
141103 PARC DLR Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for modifications of the Data Link Recording Rule. | Recommendation 1 & 2 were completed and FAA InFO 16004 was issued in lieu of rulemaking. Recommendation 3 is completed and has been discussed in the EFRPG. | Closed |
ecommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
130520 PARC Recommendations for Climb Via Implementation (PDF) | PARC provided a recommendation that would ensure a successful Climb via implementation with creation of an implementation plan. | The FAA accepted the recommendations. PCPSI later collaborated on a Climb via FAQs document which the FAA published. | Closed |
130617 PARC RVSM LOA Process Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations to streamline processes for RVSM operational approvals. | The FAA accepted recommendations and published revised inspector guidance in Order 8900.1 Flight Standards Information Management System. | Closed |
130617 PARC Magnetic Variation Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations to update the Anchorage and Fairbanks (common alternate) magnetic variation (MagVar) values to maximize the capability with ILS operations with current MagVar Data. This highlights the need for improved communication from FAA and OEMs Source Data. | 150129 FAA Response Letter and Action Plan (PDF) The Action Plan was completed | Closed |
130908 PARC FltDAWG Final Report Recommendations (PDF) | PARC and CAST provided a document entitled "Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems" that reviewed equipment design for flight operations, operational policies and flight crew procedures. | The FAA is developing a plan of action and work is ongoing. | Open |
131213 PARC Visual OIS Final Report Recommendations (PDF) | PARC was asked by AFS-420 to review Order 8260.52 in the area of visual segment analysis and offer a concur or amendment. The PARC unanimously concurred with the proposal. | The FAA accepted the recommendations. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
120608 Implementation Considerations for Climb Via Letter (PDF) | PARC suggested changes to Climb Via Phraseology. | Adopted by the FAA and implemented on April 3, 2014. | Closed |
120906 CWG FOICA Recommendations (PDF) | PARC submitted recommendations for FANS 1/A over INMARSAT 4 Classic Aero. | The FAA developed a plan of action and implementation work is ongoing. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
110223 RNP Established Recommendations (PDF) | PARC developed "RNP Established"-Parallel Approach report Jan 10, 2011 for simultaneous independent and dependent parallel approach paths with no required vertical separation for aircraft on adjacent approaches. | Work is ongoing for "Established on RNP" operations. | Closed |
110307 FANS 1/A over HFDL Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided FANS 1/A over High Frequency Data Link Recommendations document. | The FAA developed a plan of action and work is ongoing. | Closed |
111209 PBN Procedure Naming Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for procedure naming and to clearly delineate PBN requirements on charts. | The FAA accepted the recommendations. Additional work for PBN charting is ongoing. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
100127 RNP Process Letter (PDF) | For greater safety and capacity PARC provided inputs to accelerate the production of terminal instrument approach procedures based on the concept of PBN. Overlays of existing procedures will ease the workload burden. Recommended update relevant guidance materials. | The FAA accepted inputs and updated relevant guidance materials. | Closed |
100128 SIAP Coordination Letter (PDF) | PARC recommendation to Flight Standards Service Executive Director that all Instrument Approach Procedures be posted on one website and add a statement to the federal register for posting Part 97 procedures. | All procedures are posted IAW FAAO 8260.19 to one website for simplicity. Third party approaches will not be available to the public due to proprietary legalities. Part 97 Change: SIAPs: |
Closed |
100328 RNP to ILS Recommendations (PDF) | PARC pursued information of auto-flight systems ILS capture designs for RNP transitions (LNAV/VNAV). The team report indicated that the concept is possible. | Moved to the Navigation Working Group for further work. Ongoing analysis under RNP to xLS. | Closed |
100709 FAR 121.579 Recommendations (PDF) | PARC recommended FAR 131.59 and 135.93 for autopilot minimum use height. Modernized autopilot minimum use height rules to allow for operational safety improvements in modern air carrier aircraft. | The FAA accepted the changes and published rulemaking. | Closed |
100917 FANS 1/A over Iridium Letter (PDF) | PARC submitted FANS 1/A over Iridium (FOI) and Performance-based Concept Recommendations. | The FAA developed a plan of action and work is ongoing. | Closed |
101007 RNP Benefits Recommendations Cover Letter (PDF) | PARC submitted the constant radius ARC to a Fix (RF) Navigation leg types in public RNP Procedures. | Analysis was completed | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
090421 RNP Concepts and Benefits Letter (PDF) | The RNP Concepts and Benefits Letter discusses the early successes of RNP SAAAR approaches and the exploitation of safety benefits. The PARC provided two papers titled, "Concepts and Benefits for Terminal RNP Procedures" and "Applications of Benefits of Required Navigation Performance (RNP)." These documents provide principle, concepts, and benefits of using RNP for terminal arrival and departure. | Action ongoing to address recommendations. | Closed |
090810 AC90-101 Appendix 3 Letter (PDF) | PARC provided the requisite changes for AC 90-101 Appendix 3 to better define database validation of source data and how significant changes will be handled. | The FAA accepted the changes. Implemented in AC 90-101A dated 2/23/11. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
080404 PARC Critical Decisions Letter DSWG (PDF) | The PARC submitted a plan for document strategy for performance-based navigation concepts, capabilities, and priorities. | High-level guidelines and specifics for future growth included. Majority of action implemented. | Closed |
080731 PARC Letter To Sabatini AC (PDF) | PARC Letter to AVS-1 on updating AC 90-101 and 8260.52 | RNP SAAAR Documents updated AC 90-101A published 2/23/11 and Order 8260.58 (dated 9/21/12) replaced 8260.52 | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
070131 VFWG 8260.32B Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided updates to Order 8260.32B | The FAA accepted recommended changes and Order published Mar 10, 2009. | Closed |
070330 Letter On Benefits Interaction (PDF) | PARC Recommendation regarding the avoidance of complexity and adverse interaction for both RNP and RNP SAAAR at the same location. | The FAA ensured airports determined where RNP SAAAR approaches can provide an advantage over basic RNP when they share a common lateral path. | Closed |
070424 RPAT Letter From PARC (PDF) | RPAT Letter from PARC included an implementation Plan for RNP Parallel Approach with Transition RPAT. | This initiative was evaluated but not implemented. | Closed |
070524 PARC Airspace Recommendation Letter To Sabatini (PDF) | PARC Airspace Recommendation Letter expressed need for a controlled airspace for RNP SAAAR Approaches at airports with no control tower or part-time CT. | Airspace changes to 14 CFR 91.155 were implemented to ensure RNP SAAAR Approaches remain in controlled airspace at outlying airports that have part-time or no control tower. The original concerns have been further resolved with the regular development of IFPs |
Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status | |
060321 PARC Critical Decisions Letter Priorities (PDF) | PARC recommended implementation priorities for critical high-level policy decisions for PBN and provided long-term concepts and capabilities for implementation of PBN. Near-, mid-, and long-term initiatives submitted. | The FAA accepted but the recommendations have been overcome by other strategic inputs. CDWG updates wrapped into the 061208 status. | Closed | |
060731 PARC Data Link Roadmap Letter (PDF) | The CWG provided a Roadmap for implementation that complements RNAV/RNP. PARC Data Link Roadmap should include implementation of Air Traffic data link services in domestic airspace and resolve issues with data link technologies FANS 1/A and ATN. | The FAA accepted the document. | Closed | |
061031 Basic RNP Letter To Sabatini (PDF) | PARC developed and recommended RNP Procedure Criteria. Clarified 6 remaining items. | Accepted. The FAA supports two lines of minima for RNAV and RNP. AC 90-RNP and revisions to AC 90-101 will implement RNP Performance-based NAS education and training emphasized for inspector training. The FAA published guidance material in the form of FAA Order 8260.54A updated with 8260.58 and AC 90-105. |
Closed | |
061101 AC90-100a Letter To Nick (PDF) | PARC provided changes for AC 90-100A. Recommend renewal of AC 90-100A for U.S. Terminal and En route Area Navigation Operations to align with ICAO PBN Manual. | The FAA concurred with the recommendations and a revision to AC 90-100A was published 03/01/07. | Closed | |
061101 VFWG Letter To Sabatini (PDF) | PARC Procedure Criteria Action Team recommended input for the Advisory Circular to complement RNAV Instrument Procedure for Helicopter Order 8260.42B. PARC submitted updates to Order 8260.42B and included Point-in Space (PinS) policy and numerous other changes. | The FAA concurred with the recommendations and published updates to Order 8260.42B. | Closed | |
061208 FASDAWG Letter (PDF) | PARC FASDAWG provided Suggestions and Recommendations for DA in a turn. Strong support by the PARC Steering Group to keep this open for further consideration. | Placed in the Navigation Working Group for future work. | Closed | |
061208 PARC CDWG Recommendations (PDF) | PARC CDWG Recommendations for optimum integration of performance based navigation, surveillance, and communications for NextGen. | Rulemaking action completed and guidance materials were published. 14 CFR 121.579, 125.329 and 135.93. Order 8260.54A updated and AC 90-108 and 90-101A implemented. |
Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
050126 Public RNP Letter To Sabatini (PDF) | The PARC provided recommendations for Public RNP Procedure Criteria complementary to N8000.287. | The FAA concurred with the recommendations and published FAA Order 8260.52 and AC 90-101. Implemented. |
Closed |
050126 RNP IAP Implementation Letter (PDF) | PARC provided recommendations for public RNP procedure criteria. Complete Implementation of RNP SAAAR special procedures for the 9 sites previously recommended by the PARC. | The FAA concurred with the recommendations and published procedure design criteria. FAA Order 8260.52 promulgated for Approach Procedures and reissued as FAA Order 8260.58. Some recommended sites implemented and others after study were determined to have obstacle, environmental, or other issues preventing implementation. | Closed |
050825 HFWG SIDS Letter (PDF) | PARC objective was to identify ways that flight management errors at DFW could be detected and corrected before takeoff.
Accepted. Proposed changes adopted and safety information distributed to pilots. | Closed |
050830 PARC Critical Decisions Recommendations (PDF) | PARC provided government/industry consensus recommendations for critical high level policy for performance based navigation implementation. | Accepted. Combined with the recommendations for 061208 to include appropriate rulemaking effort. | Closed |
Recommendations/Letters | Summary | FAA Action | Status |
040301 PARC SAAAR Site Recommendations (PDF) | Developed RNP SAAAR approaches for identified sites PARC SAAAR Site Recommendations: Palm Springs – 3 Houston – 2 New York JFK – 5 Washington DC – 2 Portland – 5 Newark (29) – 2 Chicago MDW – 3 Newark (4/22) – 2 Tucson – 2 Pittsburgh – 6 |
The FAA concurred with recommendations. Partial Acceptance. Some recommended sites were implemented, others after study were determined to have obstacle, environmental, or other issues preventing implementation. |
Closed |
040724 LOA Letter To Sabatini (PDF) | PARC provided the final draft version of AC 20–DB to assure the integrity of databases used in navigation systems. | The FAA accepted the recommended practices which have evolved into AC 20–153 and 20-153A. | Closed |