Common Support Services - Flight Data (CSS-FD)
What is CSS-FD?
CSS-FD is the set of services that will deliver enhanced flight data management, flight planning and flight plan filing in accordance with ICAO global standards (DOC 9965 – Manual on Flight and Flow – Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE)).
- CSS-FD is a cornerstone for the info-centric National Airspace System (NAS) and supports Performance Based Operations (PBO)
- CSS-FD and FF-ICE will enable the harmonization between operators and Air Service Providers (ASPs) across the globe
- CSS-FD establishes a standards-based flight planning and filing environment and enhances collaborative decision making
The initial CSS-FD implementation of FF-ICE Release 1 services is being planned in two phases:
Phase 1 Capabilities:
Capability 1: Data Management & Security Framework
- Data publication, conversion, matching, reconciliation, and reconstitution
- Data security and access control
Capability 2: Flight Planning and Flight Plan Filing
- File and update the associated Flight Plans with Air Traffic Controller (ATC) automation
- Receive and respond to trial requests
Capability 3: Feedback by Reference
- Provide feedback by referencing constraints
Capability 4: Return ATC Preferences
- Provide ATC assigned routes and preferential routes
Phase 2 Capabilities:
Focus on Preliminary Flight Planning and additional integration with other systems (e.g., Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS)/Flow Management Data and Services (FMDS))
Note: Phase 2 requirements and timeline are still under development
Notional Timeline
Final SIR:
Planned for Q1 CY2025
2nd Draft SIR:
The purpose of the 2nd draft Screening for Information (SIR) is to update industry with the latest SIR documentation and get feedback from industry on the FAA’s acquisition strategy and planned capabilities to meet the CSS-FD requirements.
- Active: 2nd Draft Screening for Information Request (SIR): (opens in new window)
- Published: November 19, 2024
- Closes: December 23, 2024
Market Survey: Closed
The purpose of this market survery / RFI is to obtain a better understanding of industry interest and capabilities to meet the Common Support Services-Flight Data program objectives.
- Inactive: Request for Information (RFI): (opens in new window)
- Last published date: May 06, 2021
CSS-FD collaborates with many stakeholders across the FAA. These partnerships are integral to the program's success.
SWIM Industry-FAA Team (SWIFT) Initiative
Provides information on past SWIFT meetings (including presentations, meetings minutes, and Q&A), a calendar of future events, and additional SWIM information.
SWIM Users Community Forum (a part of the SWIFT Portal)
The FAA has created this website to provide an avenue for SWIM users to get the latest SWIM users news, create subscriptions to consume SWIM product data, engage in community discussions, and check service status. Under the Community section, the FAA has created a CSS-FD forum for the public to ask questions and engage in CSS-FD related discussions.
SWIM Users Community Forum:
CSS-FD Section of SWIM Users Community Forum:
Collaboration with International Partners on FF-ICE Implementation:
New FF-ICE R1 information services are being implemented around the globe to increase performance and efficiencies, supporting Trajectory Based Operations (TBO). Because the approach and system architecture varies in each region, the FAA is working with international partners to ensure interoperability during the FF-ICE R1 implementation. Given the EU CP1 regulation (, the FAA has extensively coordinated with SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM), EUROCONTROL, NAV CANADA, and others on FF-ICE implementation assumptions, including harmonizing eFPL data elements.