SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS)
STDDS Overview
SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) converts legacy terminal data collected from airport towers and Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facilities into easily accessible information, which is published via the National Airspace System (NAS) Enterprise Messaging Service (NEMS).
STDDS publishes data from the following FAA airport and terminal systems:
- ASDE-X - Airport Surface Detection Equipment – Model X
- ASSC - Airport Surface Surveillance Capability
- STARS - Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
- RVR - Runway Visual Range
- EFSTS - Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System
- TDLS - Tower Data Link Services
STDDS publishes data to NAS and non-NAS subscribers, via NEMS, in accordance with SWIM standards
STDDS is installed at 38 TRACONS
- Access to data from over 200 airports
- Data from over 400 individual systems

STDDS Documents
- STDDS R6P2 Release Notes (PDF)
- Beacon Code Notification (10/11/2017) (PDF)
- FIXM-Mediated STDDS Data Overview (PDF)
- Site Availability Document (MS Excel)
- Sample Client (8/18/2016)
For technical documentation please visit the NSRR
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