International Collaboration
FAA is working with the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking (SJU) and SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) to enable discovery and reuse of services across SWIM infrastructures. This collaboration has resulted in a number of jointly developed products, including:
Concept of Operations for the SWIM Inter-Registry Framework (SIRF) Version 1.0 (PDF), (FAA) October 2018.
The objective of the SWIM Inter-Registry Framework (SIRF) is to enable discovery of services across independently developed and managed SWIM registries.
The SIRF Concept of Operations outlines a high-level technological approach for developing service registries capable of exchanging service-related information among the registries established by domestic and international SWIM initiatives.
Registry Interchange Module (RIM) Version 1.0.0, FAA/SESAR SJU, October 2017.
RIM is a pluggable registry module whose goal is to enable dynamic exchange of service metadata among SWIM registries. RIM utilizes a well-known architectural paradigm (REST) and a set of ubiquitous Web standards and protocols (e.g., URI, HTTP, XML). The RIM website contains links to documents supporting the implementation of RIM.
Service Description Conceptual Model (SDCM) Version 2.0, FAA/SESAR SJU, P. Fernandez-Sancho, M. Kaplun, T. Pola, C. Uri and W. Zhu, 3 June 2016.
SDCM is a graphical and lexical representation of the properties, structure, and interrelationships of all service metadata elements, collectively known as a Service Description.
Service Description Conceptual Model (SDCM) Usage Scenarios, Version 1.0 (PDF), FAA/SESAR SJU, 15 March 2016.
Concept of Operations for the SWIM Common Registry (SCR) (PDF), FAA/SESAR SJU, April 2015.
SWIM Common Registry: Concept, Architecture, and Implementation (PDF), FAA/SESAR SJU, P. Fernandez-Sancho, M. Kaplun, E. Roelants, and C. Uri, June 2014.
Service Description Conceptual Model (SDCM) Version 1.0, FAA/SESAR SJU, P. Blomqvist, N. Haggstrom, M. Kaplun and C. Uri, 28 March 2014. (PDF) [Superseded by Version 2.0]