Policies, Standards, and Specifications

Governance Policies and Associated Documents

SWIM Governance Policies Version 3.1 (February 6, 2020) (PDF) Specifies the policies, rules, and standards for identifying, designing, implementing, deploying, and managing the resources, assets, and processes that are enabled and/or supported by the SWIM program.
SWIM Governance Policies Waiver Request (PDF) The template for requesting a waiver from SWIM Governance.
SWIM SCDS General Guideline with Standards Version 1.1 (PDF) System Wide Information Management (SWIM) SWIM Cloud Distribution Service (SCDS) General Guideline with Standards
Version 1.1

Standards and Specifications


FAA-STD-065 Rev. B, Preparation of Web Service Description Documents (July 15, 2019) (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing FAA Web Service Description Documents (WSDD).
FAA-STD-073A, Preparation of Java Messaging Service Description Documents (December 9, 2019) (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing FAA Java Messaging Service Description Documents (JMSDD)
FAA-STD-074, Preparation of Service Requirements Documents (July 20, 2020) (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing solution-independent Service Requirements Documents (SRD).
FAA-STD-075, Creating Service Identifiers (June 29, 2021) (PDF) Specifies requirements for creating globally-unique, persistent http URI-based identifiers for FAA services.
SWIM-006, Artifacts Versioning in SWIM, Version 1.0.0 (September 12, 2024) (PDF)

Provides requirements and guidelines for versioning SWIM-enabled services and their associated artifacts.

How to Write a Service Requirements Document (February 11, 2021) (PDF) An instructional example of a set of service requirements developed as prescribed by FAA-STD-074. The example SRD contains requirements for a fictitious "Flight Plan Service (FPS)" used to file and modify a flight plan.
SWIM-002, Syntax and Processing of XML-Based Documents in the Context of SWIM-Enabled Services, Software Specification, Version 1.0 (June 16, 2015) (PDF) Provides requirements and guidelines for the preparation and publishing of XML-based documents intended for use in the context of FAA's SWIM program.

Superseded or Retired

SWIM-005, Artifacts Versioning for SWIM-enabled Services, Software Specification, Version 1.0.0 (December 18, 2015) [Superseded by SWIM-006] (PDF) Provides requirements and guidelines for managing multiple releases (versions) of service artifacts in the context of FAA's SWIM program.
FAA-STD-065 Rev. A, Preparation of Web Service Description Documents (July 1, 2013) [Superseded by Revision B] (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing FAA Web Service Description Documents (WSDD).
FAA-STD-070, Preparation of Web Service Requirements Documents (July 12, 2012) [Superseded by FAA-STD-074] (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing FAA Web Service Requirements Documents (WSRD).
FAA-STD-073, Preparation of Java Messaging Service Description Documents (January 29, 2014) [Superseded by Revision A] (PDF) Specifies the minimum acceptable content for preparing FAA Java Messaging Service Description Documents (JMSDD)
Last updated: Wednesday, December 11, 2024