Charter-Type Services (Part 135)

illustration of plane at tarmacThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grants the authority to operate on-demand, unscheduled air service in the form of Part 135 certificate. Air carriers authorized to operate with a 135 certificate vary from small single aircraft operators to large operators that often provide a network to move cargo to larger Part 121 air carriers. Many Part 135 operators offer critical passenger and cargo service to remote areas, providing a lifeline to populations that would not otherwise exist. Most Part 135 air carriers are required to have a FAA approved hazardous materials (dangerous goods) program. This program must cover all aspects of the acceptance and transportation process, as well as training for all employees.

Regulations outlining the acceptance, handling, transport of dangerous goods and required training are found in the Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR Parts 100-185) and the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air. Compliance with the regulations is mandatory for all Part 135 air carriers.

In addition to the regulations and guidelines issued by FAA Flight Standards, Part 135 air carriers work closely with the FAA Office of Hazardous Materials Safety to develop, maintain and implement approved hazardous materials (dangerous goods) programs.

Hazardous Materials Aviation Safety Inspectors (HMASIs) inspect Part 135 air carriers at multiple locations throughout the United States and its territories, and identify any regulatory violations, process and procedural findings, or program deficiencies. Part 135 air carriers who accept, handle, and transport hazardous materials have Principal Hazardous Materials Inspectors (PHIs) assigned to their certificates who closely oversee their Hazardous Materials Programs.

Click here for additional information on the 14 CFR Part 135 Certification Process.

Last updated: Wednesday, January 29, 2025