Designee Management System Overview

The FAA's Aviation Safety (AVS) Designee Management System (DMS) is a single system for managing all aspects of the lifecycle of individual representatives of the Administrator, otherwise referred to as designees. The AVS DMS is the result of several years of work to consolidate independent designee management policies into one AVS-level policy that looks holistically at oversight and management of designees.

DMS is designed to have common designee policy and automation work interdependently to support AVS. DMS establishes common processes across all AVS individual designee programs and represents a 'one-AVS solution' for all aspects of designee management. The core high-level common processes include: application for designation; selection of an individual for appointment; appointment and orientation of new designees; oversight activities; suspension and termination. For some organizations, DMS will also provide key information leading to better visibility into designee activity at all levels.

You can find more information about DMS on the following page:

Access the Designee Management System

Last updated: Friday, May 17, 2024